“This room and that fireplace bring back so many memories of happy times here,” she said wistfully.

“Give me a break, Ruby. You haven’t been here in more than a year,” Jack reminded her. “The boys and I are the only ones who come anymore—for fishing.”

Jack finished his drink in one long swallow, then sat down and ate one of her pastries, sipping the black coffee. Then he ate another, and another. Ruby realized that he probably hadn’t eaten all day. The kitchen showed no evidence of use.

Ruby stared at him miserably as he sat eating in cold silence. How could she get through that shield he’d erected around himself?

“I remember when you bought this place,” Ruby mused, running her fingertip absently around the rim of her empty coffee cup. “It was our tenth wedding anniversary. Your business was booming and you wanted to celebrate in a big way.”

Jack stared at his hands, listening but saying nothing. Suddenly Ruby remembered something else. “Do you remember how we christened the house? Right here in front of the fireplace?”

Jack jumped up off the sofa and stood hovering over her.

“Stop it, Ruby. Just stop it.” He picked up his suit jacket and jerked out, “If you won’t leave, I will.”

Desperation overwhelmed Ruby. She had to stop him.

“Jack, what would you do today if you knew there would be no tomorrows?” The foolish, desperate question was tossed at his departing back.

Jack swiveled and his eyes shot up in surprise. His lips curled downward with annoyance. “Rube, I’m not in the mood for silly games. Give me a break and—”

Ruby halted his words with a raised palm. “No, I’m serious. It’s an important question. Please, Jack, indulge me.”

Jack stared at her for a long moment, then dropped his jacket on a chair and sat back down, staring forlornly into the fire. Finally his eyes lifted and stabbed hers demandingly.

“You tell me, Rube.”

“Well, actually, I did ask myself that question today after this weird experience that I’ll tell you about later,” Ruby began hesitantly. “I didn’t even have to think twice. I realized I would beg you to come home and give me a second chance. This love you and I had… have… is too precious to lose.”

Precious! That was the word Thork had used just before he died.

A muscle twitched beside Jack’s lips. “I love you, Rube. I probably always will, but love isn’t enough for me anymore.”

“What do you want me to do? I’ll do anything if you’ll just—”

“Don’t beg, and don’t make promises you can’t keep,” Jack said.

Ruby blinked rapidly to keep the tears welling in her eyes from overflowing. Swallowing the lump in her throat, she continued to plead her case. “You probably don’t remember this, but I was thinking today about that time when we were eighteen and you asked me to marry you. You said, ‘We can make it work. I’ll love you forever.’ And then—”

“I remember,” Jack interrupted coldly. “I remember all of it, but that was a long time ago.”

“—and then I thought of all the good times we’ve had,” Ruby persisted. “I can’t just let it go without a fight.”

“Why are you doing this? And why now?” he groaned and put his hands over his eyes. Lifting his head, his gaze met hers again, full of pain. “Nothing, absolutely nothing, is any different. I told you this afternoon that the time for words was over. I want out. I’m going to miss you like hell, Ruby,” and his voice cracked before he went on, “but I’m sick of the arguments and pain. Our marriage sucks.”

“That’s not true,” Ruby choked out.

“Ruby, let it go. You’re breaking my heart. We’re breaking each other’s hearts.”

“Maybe we needed to do that to start healing. Mayhap we can glue each other’s hearts back together again, and be even stronger.”

“Mayhap?” Jack asked with an arched eyebrow.

Ruby grinned at her slip into the Viking speech pattern and continued to plead, “Things are different now. I’ll show you. I’ll make it up to you. Just let me try.”

“How?” Jack demanded as he stood over her with hands on hips. “Are you going to give up your business? Are you suddenly going to become Supermom? Will you make my breakfast in the morning and be waiting for me at the door at night?”

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Categories: Hill, Sandra