Heritage of Shannara 1 – The Scions of Shannara by Brooks, Terry

of one eye, keeping his head lowered in the shadow of his hooded


Once through the second set of gates, Padishar pulled them

from the Tyrsian Way, the main thoroughfare of homes and busi-

nesses that wound through the center of the city to the cliff walls

and what was once the palace of its rulers, and steered them

into a maze of side streets. There were shops and residences

here as well, but fewer soldiers and more beggars. The buildings

grew dilapidated as they walked and eventually they entered a

district of ale houses and brothels. Padishar did not seem to

notice. He kept them moving, ignoring the pleas of the beggars

and street vendors, working his way deeper into the city.

At last they emerged into a bright, open district containing

markets and small parks. A sprinkling of residences with yards

separated the markets, and there were carriages with silks and

ribbons on the horses. Vendors sold banners and sweets to

laughing children and their mothers. Street shows were being

performed on every comer-actors, clowns, magicians, musi-

cians, and animal trainers. Broad, colorful canopies shaded the

markets and the park pavilions where families spread their pic-

nic lunches, and the air was filled with shouts, laughter, and


Padishar Creel slowed, casting about for something. He took

them through several of the stalls, along tree-shaded blocks

where small gatherings were drawn by a multitude of delights,

then stopped finally at a cart selling apples. He bought a small

sackful for them all to share, took one for himself, and leaned

back idly against a lamp pole to eat it. It took Par several mo-

ments to realize that he was waiting for something. The Valeman

ate his apple with the others and looked about watchfully. Fruits

of all sorts were on display in the stalls of a market behind him,

there were ices being sold across the way, a juggler, a mime, a

girl doing sleight of hand, a pair of dancing monkeys with their

trainer, and a scattering of children and adults watching it all.

He found his eyes returning to the girl. She had naming red hair

that seemed redder still against the black silk of her clothing

and cape. She was drawing coins out of astonished children’s

ears, then making them disappear again. Once she brought fire

out of the air and sent it spinning away. He had never seen that

done before. The girl was very good.

He was so intent on watching her, in fact, that he almost

missed seeing Padishar Creel hand something to a dark-skinned

boy who had come up to him. The boy took what he was given

without a word and disappeared. Par looked to see where he

had gone, but it was as if the earth had swallowed him up.

They stayed where they were a few minutes longer, and then

the outlaw chief said, “Time to go,” and led them away. Par

took a final look at the red-haired girl and saw that she was

causing a ring to float in midair before her audience, while a

tiny, blond-headed boy leaped and squealed after it.

The Valeman smiled at the child’s delight.

On their way back through the gathering of market stalls,

Morgan Leah caught sight of Hirehone. The master of Kiltan

Forge was at the edge of a crowd applauding a juggler, his large

frame wrapped in a great cloak. There was only a momentary

glimpse of the bald pate and drooping mustaches, men he was

gone. Morgan blinked, deciding almost immediately that he had

been mistaken. What would Hirehone be doing in Tyrsis?

By the time they reached the next block, he had dismissed

the matter from his mind.

They spent the next several hours in the basement of a storage

house annexed to the shop of a weapons-maker, a man clearly

in the service of the outlaws, since Padishar Creel knew exactly

where in a crevice by the frame to find a key that would open

the door. He took them inside without hesitating. They found

food and drink waiting, along with pallets and blankets for

sleeping and water to wash up with. It was cool and dry in the

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Categories: Terry Brooks