Heritage of Shannara 1 – The Scions of Shannara by Brooks, Terry


The outlaws surged forward recklessly, seizing poles and

spears, jamming them into the Creeper’s massive body, trying

desperately to force the monster back over the edge. But the

Creeper was huge; it towered above them like a wall. Morgan

slowed in dismay. They might as well have been trying to turn

a river from its course. Nothing that large could be dislodged

by human strength alone.

The Creeper lunged forward, throwing itself into its attack-

ers. Poles and spears snapped and splintered as it hurtled down.

The men caught beneath died instantly, and several more were

quickly snatched up by the pinchers. An entire section of the

Jut’s fortifications collapsed under the creature’s weight. The

outlaws fell back as it hunched its way into them, smashing

weapons, stores, and campsites, catching up anything that

moved. Blows from swords and knives rained down on its body,

but the Creeper seemed unaffected. It advanced relentlessly.

stalking the men who retreated from it, destroying everything

in its path.

“Free-born!” the cry rang out suddenly. “To me!”

Padishar Creel materialized from out of nowhere, a bright

scarlet figure in the rain and mist, rallying his men. They cried

out in answer and rushed to stand beside him. He formed them

quickly into squads; halfcounterattacked the Creeper with mas-

sive posts to fend off the pinchers while the balance hacked at

the monster’s sides and back. The Creeper writhed and twisted,

but came on.

“Free-born, free-born!” The cries sounded from every-

where, lifting into the dawn, filling the grayness with their fury.

Then Axhind and his Rock Trolls appeared, their massive

bodies armored head to foot, wielding their huge battleaxes.

They attacked the Creeper head-on, striking for the pinchers.

Three died almost instantly, torn apart so fast that they disap-

peared in a blur of limbs and blood. But the others cut and

hacked with such determination that they shattered the left

pincher, leaving it broken and useless. Moments later, they cut

it off entirely.

The Creeper slowed. A trail of bodies littered the ground

behind it. Morgan still stood between the monster and the caves,

undecided as to what he should do and unable to understand

why. It was as if he had become mired in quicksand. He saw

the beast lift itself clear of the earth. Its head and pincher came

up, and it hung suspended like a snake about to strike, braced

on the back half of its body, prepared to throw itself on its

attackers and smash them. The Trolls and the outlaws fell back

in a rush, shouting to one another in warning.

Morgan looked for Padishar, but the outlaw chief had disap-

peared. The Highlander could not find him anywhere. For an

instant, he thought Padishar must have fallen. Rain trickled down

his face into his eyes, and he blinked it away impatiently. His

hand tightened on the handle of his broadsword, but still he hung


The Creeper was inching forward, casting right and left to

protect against flanking attacks. A twitch of its tail sent several

men flying. Spears and arrows flew into it and bounced away.

Steadily it came on, forcing the defenders ever closer to the

caves. Soon, there would be nowhere left for them to go.

Morgan Leah was shaking. Do something! his mind screamed.

In that same instant Padishar reappeared at the mouth of the

largest of the Jut’s caves, calling out to his men to fall back.

Something huge lumbered into view behind him, creaking and

rumbling as it came. Morgan squinted through the gloom and

mist. Lines of men appeared, hauling on ropes, and the thing

began to take shape. Morgan could see it now as it cleared the

cavern entrance and crawled into the light.

It was a great, wooden crossbow.

Padishar had its handlers wheel it into position facing the

Creeper. Atop its base, Chandos used a heavy winch to crank

back the bowstring. A massive, sharpened bolt was fitted in


The Creeper hesitated, as if to measure the potential danger

of this new weapon. Then, lowering itself slightly, it advanced,

its remainmg pincher clicking in anticipation.

Padishar ordered the first bolt fired when the creature was

still fifty feet away. The shot flew wide. The Creeper picked up

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Categories: Terry Brooks