Heritage of Shannara 1 – The Scions of Shannara by Brooks, Terry

will do so for some reasons of my own, and you’d best know

what they are.”

His face lowered momentarily into shadow, and the scars

seemed like strands of iron mesh pressed against his skin. ‘ ‘The

Federation has taken your homes from you, from all of you,

taken them and made them their own. Well, the Federation has

taken more than that from me. It has taken everything-my

home, my family, my past, even my present. The Federation

has destroyed everything that was and is and left me only what

might be. It is the enemy of my life, and I would do anything

to see it destroyed. Nothing I do here will accomplish that end

in my lifetime. What I do here merely serves to keep me alive

and to give me some small reason to stay that way. I have had

enough of that. I want something more.”

His face lifted, and his eyes were fierce. “If there is magic

that can be freed from time’s chains, if there are Druids yet,

ghosts or otherwise, able to wield it, then perhaps there are ways

of freeing my homeland and my people-ways that have been

kept from us all. If we discover those ways, if the knowledge of

them passes into our hands, they must be used to help my people

and my homeland.” He paused. “I’ll want your promise on


There was a long moment of silence as his listeners looked

at one another.

Then Par said softly, “I am ashamed for the Southland when

I see what has happened here. I don’t begin to understand it.

There is nothing that could justify it. If we discover anything

that will give the Dwarves back their freedom, we will put it to


“We will,” Coil echoed, and Morgan Leah nodded his

agreement as well.

Steff took a deep breath. “The possibility of being free-

just the possibility-is more than the Dwarves dare hope for

in these times.” He placed his thick hands firmly on the

table. “Then we have a bargain. I will take you to find Walker

Boh-Teel and I, for she goes where I go.” He glanced at

each of them quickly for any sign of disapproval and found

none. “It will take a day or so to gather up what we need

and to make an inquiry or two. I need not remind you, but I

will anyway, how difficult and dangerous this journey is likely

to be. Go back to Granny’s and rest. Teel will take you. When

all is in place, I will send word.”

They rose, and the Dwarf embraced Morgan, then smiled

unexpectedly and slapped him on the back. “You and I, High-

lander-let the worst that’s out there be wary!” He laughed and

the room rang with the sound of it.

Teel stood apart from them and watched with eyes like chips

of ice.


Two days passed, and they did not hear from Steff. Par

and Coil Ohmsford and Morgan Lean passed the time

at the orphanage completing some much-needed re-

pairs on the old home and helping Granny Elise and Auntie Jilt

with the children. The days were warm, lazy ones, filled with

the sounds of small voices at play. It was a different world within

the confines of the rambling house and the shaded grounds, a

world quite apart from the one that crouched begging a dozen

yards in any direction beyond the enclosing fence. There was

food here, warm beds, comfort and love. There was a sense of

security and future. There wasn’t a lot of anything, but there

was some of everything. The remainder of the city faded into a

series of unpleasant memories-the shacks, the broken old peo-

ple, the ragged children, the missing mothers and fathers, the

grime and the wear, the desperate and defeated looks, and the

sense that there was no hope. Several times. Par thought to leave

the orphanage and walk again through the city of Culhaven,

unwilling to leave without seeing once more sights he felt he

should never forget. But the old ladies discouraged it. It was

dangerous for him to walk about. He might unwittingly draw

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Categories: Terry Brooks