Heritage of Shannara 1 – The Scions of Shannara by Brooks, Terry

stinctively. He saw it reflected in Walker Boh’s eyes as well.

They had shared the dreams and those dreams bound them, so

much so that for an instant then” thinking was the same.

Cogline’s face lifted slightly, pulling free of the darkness that

shaded it. “Something guides the Shadowen,” he whispered.

“There is power here that transcends anything we have ever

known . . .”

He let the sentence trail off, ragged and unfinished, as if

unable to give voice to any ending. His listeners looked at one


“What are we to do?” Wren asked finally.

The old man rose wearily. “Why, what we came here to do,

Rover girl-listen to what Allanon would tell us.”

He moved stiffly away, and no one called after him.


They moved apart from each other after that, drifting

away one by one, finding patches of solitude in which

to think their separate thoughts. Eyes wandered rest-

lessly across the valley’s glistening carpet of black rock, always

returning to the Hadeshom, carefully searching the sluggishly

churning waters for signs of some new movement.

There was none.

Perhaps nothing is going to happen. Par thought. Perhaps it

was all a lie after all.

He felt his chest constrict with mixed feelings of disappoint-

ment and relief and he forced his thoughts elsewhere. Coil was

less than a dozen paces away, but he refused to look at him. He

wanted to be alone. There were things that needed thinking

through, and Coil would only distract him.

Funny how much effort he had put into distancing himself

from his brother since this journey had begun, he thought sud-

denly. Perhaps it was because he was afraid for him . . .

Once again, this time angrily, he forced his thoughts else-

where. Cogline. Now there was an enigma of no small size.

Who was this old man who seemed to know so much about

everything? A failed Druid, he claimed. Allanon’s messenger,

he said. But those brief descriptions didn’t seem nearly complete

enough. Par was certain that there was more to him than what

he claimed. There was a history of events behind his relation-

ships with Allanon and Walker Boh that was hidden from the

rest of them. Allanon would not have gone to a failed Druid for

assistance, not even in the most desperate of circumstances.

There was a reason for Cogline’s involvement with this gather-

ing beyond what any of them knew.

He glanced warily at the old man who stood an uncomfortable

number of feet closer than the rest of them to the waters of the

Hadeshom. He knew all about the Shadowen, somehow. He had

spoken more than once with AUanon, somehow again. He was

the only living human being to have done so since the Druid’s

death three hundred years ago. Par thought a moment about the

stories of Cogline in the time of Brin Ohmsford-a half-crazed

old man then, wielding magic against the Mord Wraiths like

some sort of broom against dust-that’s the picture the tales

conjured up. Well, he wasn’t like that now. He was controlled.

Cranky and eccentric, yes-but mostly controlled. He knew what

he was about-enough so that he didn’t seem particularly pleased

with any of it. He hadn’t said that, of course. But Par wasn’t


There was a flash of light from somewhere far off in the night

skies, a momentary brightness that winked away instantly and

was gone. A life ended, a new life begun, his mother used to

say. He sighed. He hadn’t thought of his parents much since the

flight out of Varfleet. He felt a twinge of guilt. He wondered if

they were all right. He wondered if he would see them again.

His jaw tightened with determination. Of course he would

see them again! Things would work out. AUanon would have

answers to give him-about the uses of the magic of the wish-

song, the reasons for the dreams, what to do about the Shadowen

and the Federation . . . all of it.

Allanon would know.

Time slipped away, minutes into hours, the night steadily

working its way toward dawn. Par moved over to talk with Coil,

needing now to be close to his brother. The others shifted,

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Categories: Terry Brooks