Heritage of Shannara 1 – The Scions of Shannara by Brooks, Terry

And the other two have been with me almost from the first. It

is inconceivable that either of them would betray me-whatever

the price offered or the reason supplied. Their hatred of the

Federation is nearly a match for my own.”

The muscles in his jaw tightened. “So perhaps it isn’t any of

us after all. But who else could have discovered our plan? Do

you see what I mean? Your friend the Highlander mentioned this

morning something he had almost forgotten. When we first came

into the city and went down to the market stalls, he thought he

saw Hirehone. He thought then he was mistaken; now he won-

ders. Forgetting momentarily the fact that Hirehone held my life

in his hands any number of times before this and did not betray

me, how would he have gone about doing so now? No one,

outside of Damson and those I brought with me, knew the where,

when, how, or why of what we were about. Yet those Federation

soldiers were waitmg for us. They knew.”

Par had forgotten momentarily his plan to tell Padishar he

was fed up with matters. “Then who was it?” he asked eagerly.

“Who could it have been?”

Padishar’s smile was forced. “The question plagues me like

flies a sweating horse. I don’t know yet. You may rest assured

that sooner or later I will. For, the moment, it doesn’t matter.

We have bigger fish to fry.”

He leaned forward. “I spent the morning with a man I know,

a man who has access to what happens within the higher circles

of Federation authority in Tyrsis. He is a man I am certain of,

one I can trust. Even Damson doesn’t know of him. He told me

some interesting things. It seems that you and Damson came to

my rescue just in time. Rimmer Dall arrived early the same

morning to see personally to my questioning and ultimate dis-

posal.” The outlaw chief’s voice emitted a sigh of satisfaction

“He was very disappointed to find I had left early.”

Padishar shifted his weight and brought his head close

Par’s. “I know you are impatient for something to happen. Par

I can read the signs of it in you as if you were a notice posted

on the wall by my bed. But haste results in an early demise in

this line of work, so caution is always necessary.” He smiled

again. “But you and I, lad-we’re a force to be reckoned with

in this business of the Federation and their game-playing. Fate

brought you to me, and she has something definite in mind for

the two of us, something that will shake the Federation and their

Coalition Council and their Seekers and all the rest right to the

foundation of their being!”

One hand clenched before Par’s face, and the Valem

flinched back in spite of himself. “So much effort has been

into hiding all traces of the old People’s Park-the Bridge

Sendic destroyed and rebuilt, the old park walled away, guards

running all about it like ants at a picnic dinner! Why? Because

there’s something down there that they don’t want anyone

know about! I can feel it, lad! I am as convinced of it now as

was when we went in five nights ago!”

“The Sword of Shannara?” Par whispered.

Padishar’s smile was genuine this time. “I’d stake ten years

of my life on it! But there’s still only one way to find out, isn’t


He brought his hands up to grip Par’s shoulders. The weath-

ered, sharp-boned face was a mask of cunning and ruthless

determination. The man who had led them for the past five days

had disappeared; this was the old Padishar Creel speaking.

“The man I spoke to, the one who has ears in the Federation

chambers, tells me that Rimmer Dall believes we’ve fled. He

thinks us back within the Parma Key. Whatever we came here

for we’ve given up on, he’s decided. He lingers in the city only

because he has not decided what needs doing next. I suggest we

give him some direction, young Par.”

Par’s eyes widened. “What. . . ?”

„What he least expects, of course!” Padishar anticipated his

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Categories: Terry Brooks