Heritage of Shannara 1 – The Scions of Shannara by Brooks, Terry

reached the Gatehouse entry.

The guards could not comply quickly enough. They pulled

back the hinged grate, released the outer locks, and hammered

anxiously on the doors to alert the guards within. A tiny door

opened and Par shifted the focus of his concentration slightly.

Bleary eyes peered out in grouchy curiosity, widened, and the

locks released. The doors swung back, and Par and Damson

pushed inside.

They stood in a wardroom filled with weapons stacked in wall

racks and stunned Federation soldiers. The soldiers had been

playing cards and drinking, clearly convinced the night’s excite-

ment was over. They were caught off guard by the appearance

of the Seekers and it showed. Par filled the room with the faint

hum of the wishsong, blanketing it momentarily with his magic.

It took everything he had.

Damson understood how tenuous was his hold. “Everyone

out!” she ordered, her voice flinty with anger.

The room emptied instantly. The entire squad dispersed

through adjoining doors and disappeared as if formed of smoke.

One guard remained, apparently the senior watch officer. He

stood uncertainly, stiffly, eyes averted, wishing he were any-

where else but where he was, yet unable to go.

“Take us to the prisoners,” Damson said softly, standing at

the man’s left shoulder.

The soldier cleared his throat after trying futilely to speak.

“I’ll need my commander’s permission,” he ventured. Some

small sense of responsibility for his assigned duty yet remained

to him.

Damson kept her eyes fixed on the man’s ear, forcing him

thereby to look elsewhere. “Where is your commander?” she


“Sleeping below,” the man answered. “I’ll wake him.”

“No.” Damson stayed his effort to depart. “We’ll wake him


They went through a heavily bolted door directly across the

room and started down a stairwell dimly lit by oil lamps. Par

kept the wishsong’s music lingering in the frightened guard’s

ears, teasing him with it, letting him see them as much bigger

than life and much more threatening. It was all going as planned,

the charade working exactly as Damson and he had hoped. Down

the empty stairs they went, circling from landing to landing, the

thudding of their boots the only sound in the hollow silence. At

the bottom of the well there were two doors. The one on the left

was open and led into a lighted corridor. The guard took them

through that door to another, stopped and knocked. When there

was no response, he knocked again, sharply.

“What is it, drat you?” a voice snapped.

“Open up at once, Commader!” Damson replied in a voice

so cold it made even Par shiver.

There was a fumbling about and the door opened. The Fed-

eration commander with the short-cropped hair and the unpleas-

ant eyes stood there, his tunic half buttoned. Shock registered

on his face instantly as the wishsong’s magic took hold. He saw

the Seekers. Worse, he saw Rimmer Dall.

He gave up trying to button his clothing and came quickly

into the hall. “I didn’t expect anyone this soon. I’m sorry. Is

there a problem?”

“We’ll discuss it later. Commander,” Damson said severely

“For now, take us to the prisoners.”

For just an instant there was a flicker of doubt in the other

man’s eyes, a shading of worry that perhaps everything was not

quite right. Par tightened the hold of the magic on the man’s

mind, giving him a glimpse of the terror that awaited him should

he question the order. That glimpse was enough. The com-

mander hastened back down the corridor to the stairwell, pro-

duced a key from a ring at his waist, and opened the second


They stepped into a passageway lit by a single lamp hung next

to the door. The commander took the lamp in hand and led the

way forward. Damson followed. Par motioned the watch officer

ahead of him and brought up the rear. His voice was beginning

to grow weary from the effort of maintaining the charade. It was

more difficult to project to several different points. He should

have sent the second man away.

The passageway was constructed of stone block and smelled

of mold and decay. Par realized that they were underground,

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Categories: Terry Brooks