Heritage of Shannara 1 – The Scions of Shannara by Brooks, Terry

shade pointed.

-Destroy the Shadowen! They subvert the people of the

Races, creeping into their bodies, taking their forms as they

choose, becoming them, using them, turning them into the mis-

shapen giant and maddened woodswoman you have already en-

countered-and into things worse still. No one prevents it. No

one will, if not you-

“But what are we supposed to do?” Par asked at once, almost

without thinking.

The shade had been substantial when it had first appeared, a

ghost that had taken on again the fullness of life. But already the

lines and shadings were beginning to pale, and he who was once

Allanon shimmered with the translucent and ephemeral incon-

sistency of smoke.

-Shannara child. There are balances to be restored if the

Shadowen are to be destroyed-not for a time, not in this age

only, but forever. Magic is needed. Magic to put an end to the

misuse of life. Magic to restore the fabric of man’s existence in

the mortal world. That magic is your heritage-yours. Wren’s,

and Walker’s. You must acknowledge it and embrace it-

The Hadeshom was beginning to roil again, and the members

of the little company fell back before its hiss and spray-all but

Cogline who stood rock-still before the others, his head bowed

upon his frail chest.

The shade of Allanon seemed to swell suddenly against the

night, rising up before them. The robes spread wide. The shade’s

eyes fixed on Par, and the Valeman felt the stab of an invisible

finger penetrate his breast.

-Par Ohmsford, bearer of the wishsong’s promise, I charge

you with recovering the Sword of Shannara. Only through the

Sword can truth be revealed and only through truth shall the

Shadowen be overcome. Take up me Sword, Par; wield it ac-

cording to the dictates of your heart-the truth of the Shadowen

shall be yours to discover-

The eyes shifted.

-Wren, child of hidden, forgotten lives, yours is a charge of

equal importance. There can be no healing of the Lands or of

their people without the Elves of faerie. Find them and return

them to the world of men. Find them. Rover girl. Only then

can me sickness end-

The Hadeshom erupted with a booming cough.

-And Walker Boh, you of no belief, seek that belief-and

the understanding necessary to sustain it. Search out the last of

the curatives that is needed to give life back to the Lands. Search

out disappeared Paranor and restore the Druids-

There was astonishment mirrored in the faces of all, and for

an instant it smothered the shouts of disbelief that struggled to

surface. Then everyone was yelling at once, the words tumbling

over one another as each sought to make himself heard above

the tumult. But the cries disappeared instantly as the shade’s

arms came up in a sweep that caused the earth to rumble anew.


The waters of the Hadeshom spit and hissed behind him as

he faced them. It was growing lighter now in the east; dawn was

threatening to break.

The shade’s voice was again a whisper.

-‘You would know more. I wish that it could be so. But I

have told you what I can. I cannot tell you more. I lack the

power in death that I possessed in life. I am permitted to see

only bits and pieces of the world that was or the future that will

be. I cannot find what is hidden from you for I am sealed away

in a world where substance has small meaning. Each day, the

memory of it slips further from me. I sense what is and what is

possible; that must suffice. Therefore, pay heed to me. I cannot

come with you. I cannot guide you. I cannot answer the ques-

tions you bring with you-not of magic or family or self-worth.

All mat you must do for yourselves. My time in the Four Lands

is gone, children of Shannara. As it once was for Bremen, so it

is now for me. I am not chained by shackles of failure as was

he, but I am chained nevertheless. Death limits both time and

being. I am the past. The future of the Four Lands belongs to

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Categories: Terry Brooks