Heritage of Shannara 1 – The Scions of Shannara by Brooks, Terry

appeared, as if the earth had swallowed them whole. Only the

stories remained, growing more lurid and at the same time less

accurate with each telling, losing the force of truth as time

passed, until only the Dwarves themselves remained certain of

what had happened.

Morgan Leah stared downward for a moment longer as the

stories of his childhood came to life, then wrenched his eyes

away from the drop, away from the nightmare below, and looked

frantically at Steff. The Dwarf was staring back at him, half-

turned as if to bolt from the fortifications, his scarred face


“A Creeper, Morgan. A Creeper-after all these years. Do

you know what that means?”

Morgan didn’t have time to speculate. Padishar Creel was

suddenly beside them, having heard the Dwarf speak. His hands

gripped Steff’s shoulders and he pulled the other about to face

him. ‘ ‘Tell me now, quickly! What do you know of this thing?”

“It’s a Creeper,” Steff repeated, his voice stiff and unnatural,

as if naming it said everything.

“Yes, yes, fine and well!” Padishar snapped impatiently. “I

don’t care what it is! I want to know how to stop it!”

Steff shook his head slowly, as if trying to clear it, as if dazed

and unable to think. “You can’t stop it. There isn’t any way to

stop it. No one has ever found a way.”

There were mutterings from the men closest to them as they

heard the Dwarf’s words, and a sense of restless misgiving be-

gan to ripple through the lines of defenders. Morgan was

stunned; he had never heard Steff sound so defeated. He glanced

quickly at Teel. She had moved Steff away from Padishar pro-

tectively, her eyes bits of hard, glistening rock within her mask.

Padishar ignored them, turning instead to face his own men.

“Stand where you are!” he roared angrily at those who had

begun to whisper and move back. The whispers and the move-

ment stopped immediately. “I’ll skin the first rabbit who does


He gave Steff a withering glance. “No way, is there? Not for

you, perhaps-though I would have thought it otherwise and you

a better man, Steff.” His voice was low, controlled. “No way?

There’s always a way!”

There was a scraping sound from below, and they all pushed

back to the breastworks. The Creeper had reached the base of

the cliff wall and was beginning to work its way up, securing a

grip in cracks and crevices where human hands and feet could

not hope to find purchase. Sunlight glinted off patches of armor-

plating and bits of iron rod, and the muscles of its wormlike

body rippled. The marching drums of the Federation had begun

to sound, pounding a steady cadence to mark the monster’s ap-


Padishar leaped recklessly atop the defenses. “Chandos! A

dozen archers to me-now!”

The archers appeared immediately and as rapidly as they could

manage sent a rain of arrows into the Creeper. It never slowed.

The arrows bounced off its armor or buried themselves in its

thick hide without effect. Even its eyes, those hideous black orbs

that shifted and turned lazily with the movement of its body,

seemed impervious.

Padishar withdrew the archers. A cheer went up from the

ranks of the Federation army and a chanting began, matching

the throb of the drums. The outlaw chief called for spearmen,

but even the heavy wooden shafts and iron heads could not slow

the monster’s approach. They broke off or shattered on the rocks,

and the Creeper came on.

Massive boulders were brought forward and sent rolling over

the cliff edge. Several crashed into the Creeper. They grazed it

or struck it full on, and the result was the same. It kept coming.

The mutterings resumed, born of fear and frustration. Padishar

shouted angrily to quiet them, but the task was growing harder.

He called for brush to be brought forward, had it fired and sent

tumbling into the Creeper-to no effect. Furious, he had a cask

of cooking oil brought up, broken open and spilled down the

cliff wall, then ignited. It burned ferociously against the barren

rock, engulfing the approaching Creeper in a haze of black

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Categories: Terry Brooks