Heritage of Shannara 1 – The Scions of Shannara by Brooks, Terry

case. Then we’ll go down through the Gatehouse stab’s to the

lower levels and out into the Pit. It should still be light enough

to find what we’re looking for fairly quickly. Once we have it,

we’ll go back up the stairs and out the same way we came in.”

For a moment, no one said anything. Then Drutt said, his

voice gravelly, “We’ll be recognized, Padishar. Bound to be

some of the same soldiers there as when we were taken.”

Padishar shook his head. “There was a shift change three

days ago. That was the shift that was on duty when we were


“What about that commander?”

“Gone until the beginning of the work week. Just a duty


“We’d need Federation uniforms.”

“We have them. I brought them in yesterday.”

Drutt and Stasas exchanged glances. “Been thinking about

this for a time, have you?” the latter asked.

The outlaw chief laughed softly. “Since the moment we

walked out of those cells.”

Morgan, who had been seated on a bench next to Par, stood

up.”If anything goes wrong and they discover what we’re about,

they’ll be all over the Gatehouse. We’ll be trapped, Padishar.”

The big man shook his head. “No, we won’t. We’ll carry in

grappling hooks and ropes with our cleaning equipment If we

can’t go back the way we came, we’ll climb out of the Pit using

those. The Federation will be concentrating on getting at us

through the Gatehouse entry. It won’t even occur to them that

we don’t intend to come back that way.”

The questions died away. There was a long silence as the six

sifted through their doubts and fears and waited for something

inside to reassure them that the plan would work. Par found

himself thinking that there were an awful lot of things that could

go wrong.

“Well, what’s it to be?” Padishar’s patience gave out.

“Time’s something we don’t have to spare. We all know that

there’s risks involved, but that’s the nature of the business. I

want a decision. Do we try it or not? Who says we do? Who’s

with me?”

Par listened to the silence lengthen. Coil and Morgan were

statues on the bench to either side of him. Stasas and Drutt, who

it had seemed might speak first, now had their eyes fixed firmly

on the floor. Damson was looking at Padishar, who in turn was

looking at her. Par realized all at once that no one was going to

say anything, that they were all waiting on him.

He surprised himself. He didn’t even have to think about it

He simply said, “I’ll go.”

“Have you lost your mind?” Coil whispered urgently in his

ear. Stasas and Drutt had Padishar’s momentary attention, d-‘–

claring that they, too, would go. “Par, this was our chance to

get out!”

Par leaned close to him. “He’s doing this for me, don’t you

see? I’m the one who wants to find the Sword! I can’t let Padishar

take all the risks! I have to go!”

Coil shook his head helplessly. Morgan, with a wink at Pi-

over Coil’s shoulder, cast his vote in favor of going as well. Coil

just raised his hand wordlessly and nodded.

That left Damson. Padishar had his sharp gaze fixed on her

waiting. It suddenly occurred to Par that Padishar needn’t have

asked who wanted to go with him; he simply could have ordered

it. Perhaps in asking he was also testing. There was still a traitor

loose. Padishar had told him earlier that he didn’t believe it was

any of them-but he might have it in his mind to make sure.

“I will wait for you in the park,” Damson Rhee said, and

everyone stared at her. She did not seem to notice. “I would

have to disguise myself as a man in order to go in with you. Tha-

is one more risk you would be taking-and to what end? There

is nothing I can offer by being with you. If there is trouble, I

will be of better use to you on the outside.”

Padishar’s smile was immediately disarming. “Your thinking

is correct as usual. Damson. You will wait in the park.”

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Categories: Terry Brooks