Heritage of Shannara 1 – The Scions of Shannara by Brooks, Terry

blew gently against their faces, the woods and rocks were filled

with tiny creatures that darted and flew, and the mountains were

at peace.

Despite all of that. Par was uneasy. He hadn’t felt that way

the previous two days, but he did so on this one. He tried to

dispel the uneasiness, telling himself it lacked any discernible

cause, that it was probably the result of needing something to

worry about when it appeared that Steff had been right about

this being the safest way after all. He tried studying the faces of

the others to see if they were experiencing any discomfort, but

the others seemed quite content. Even Teel, who seldom showed

anything, walked with an air of total unconcern.

The morning slipped away into afternoon, and the uneasiness

grew into a certainty that something was following them. Par

found himself glancing back on any number of occasions, not

knowing what it was he was looking for, but knowing neverthe-

less that it was back there. He hunted through the distant trees

and across the rocks and there was nothing to be seen. Above,

to their right, the ridgeline rose into the cliffs and defiles where

the rock was too barren and dangerous to traverse. Below, to

their left, the forest was thick with shadows that gathered in

pools amid a tangle of heavy brush and close-set black trunks.

Several times, the .trail branched downward into the murk.

Steff, who was in the lead with Teel, motioned that way once

and said, “That is what might have happened to those missing

Federation parties. You don’t want to wander into the dark places

in these mountains.”

It was Par’s hope that this was the source of his discomfort.

Identifying the source should allow him to dismiss it, he told

himself. But just as he was prepared to believe that the matter

had resolved itself, he glanced over his shoulder one final time

and saw something move in the rocks.

He stopped where he was. The others walked on a few steps,

then turned and looked at him. “What is it?” Steff asked at


“There’s something back there,” Par said quietly, not shift-

ing his eyes from where he had last seen the movement.

Steff walked back to him. “There, in the rocks,” Par said

and pointed.

They stood together and looked for a long time and saw noth-

ing. The afternoon was waning, and the shadows were length-

ening in the mountains as the sun dropped low against the

western horizon, so it was difficult to discern much of anything

in the mix of half-light. Par shook his head finally, frustrated.

“Maybe I was mistaken,” he admitted.

“Maybe you weren’t,” Steff said.

Ignoring the surprised look Par gave him, he started them

walking again with Teel in the lead and himself trailing with

Par. Once or twice, he told Par to glance back, and once or

twice he did so himself. Par never saw anything, although he

still had a sense of something being back there. They crossed a

ridgeline that ran from east to west and started down. The far

side was cloaked in shadow, the sun’s fading light blocked away

entirely, and the trail below wound its way through a maze of

rocks and scrub that were clustered on the mountainside like

huddled sheep. The wind was at their backs now, and the sound

of Steff’s voice, when he spoke, carried ahead to them.

“Whatever’s back there is tracking us, waiting for dark or at

least twilight before showing itself. I don’t know what it is, but

it’s big. We have to find a place where we can defend ourselves.”

No one said anything. Par experienced a sudden chill. Coil

glanced at him, then at Morgan. Teel never turned.

They were through the maze of rocks and brush and back on

an open trail leading up again when the thing finally emerged

from the shadows and let them see what it was. Steff saw it first,

called out sharply and brought them all about. The creature was

still more than a hundred yards back, crouched on a flat rock

where a narrow shaft of sunlight sliced across its blunted face

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Categories: Terry Brooks