Heritage of Shannara 1 – The Scions of Shannara by Brooks, Terry

squint against its glare. Farther west, the hrybis Mountains were

a jagged black tear across the horizon that separated earth and

sky and cast the first of night’s shadows across the vast sprawl


Another hour, maybe a bit more, and it would be dark, she


She paused at the edge of the lake and, for just a moment, let

the solitude of the approaching dusk settle through her. All about,

the Westland stretched away into the shimmering heat of the

dying summer’s day with the lazy complacency of a sleeping

cat, endlessly patient as it waited for the coming of night and

the cool it would bring.

She was running out of time.

She cast about momentarily for the signs she had lost some

hundred yards back and found nothing. He might as well have

vanished into thin air. He was working hard at this cat-and-

mouse game, she decided. Perhaps she was the cause.

The thought buoyed her as she pressed ahead, slipping si-

lently through the trees along the lake front, scanning the foliage

and the earth with renewed determination. She was small and

slight of build, but wiry and strong. Her skin was nut-brown

from weather and sun, and her ash-blond hair was almost boy-

ish, cut short and tightly curied against her head. Her features

were Elven, sharply so, the eyebrows full and deeply slanted,

the ears small and pointed, the bones of her face lending it a

narrow and high-cheeked look. She had hazel eyes, and they

shifted restlessly as she moved, hunting.

She found his first mistake a hundred feet or so farther on, a

tiny bit of broken scrub, and his second, a boot indentation

against a gathering of stones, just after. She smiled in spite of

herself, her confidence growing, and she netted the smooth

quarterstaff she carried in anticipation. She would have him yet,

she promised.

The lake cut into the trees ahead forming a deep cove, and

she was forced to swing back to her left through a thick stand

of pine. She slowed, moving more cautiously. Her eyes darted.

The pines gave way to a mass of thick brush that grew close

against a grove of cedar. She skirted the brush, catching sight

of a fresh scrape against a tree root. He’s getting careless, she

thought-or wants me to think so.

She found the snare at the last moment, just as she was about

to put her foot into it. Its lines ran from a carefully concealed

noose back into a mass of brush and from there to a stout sap-

ling, bent and tied. Had she not seen it, she would have been

yanked from her feet and left dangling.

She found the second snare immediately after, better con-

cealed and designed to catch her avoiding the first. She avoided

that one, too, and now became even more cautious.

Even so, she almost missed seeing him in time when he swung

down out of the maple not more than fifty yards farther on. Tired

of trying to lose her in the woods, he had decided to finish

matters in a quicker manner. He dropped silently as she slipped

beneath the old shade tree, and it was only her instincts that

saved her. She sprang aside as he landed, bringing the quarter-

staff about and catching him alongside his great shoulders with

an audible thwack. Her attacker shrugged off the blow, coming

to his feet with a grunt. He was huge, a man of formidable size

who appeared massive in the confines of the tiny forest clearing.

He leaped at Wren, and she used the quarterstaff to vault quickly

away from him. She slipped on landing, and he was on top of

her with a swiftness that was astonishing. She rolled, using the

staff to block him, came up underneath with the makeshift dag-

ger and jammed the flat of its blade against his belly.

The sun-browned, bearded face shifted to find her own, and

the deepset eyes glanced downward. “You’re dead. Garth,” she

told him, smiling. Then her fingers came up to make the signs.

The giant Rover collapsed in mock submission before rolling

over and climbing to his feet. Then he smiled, too. They brushed

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Categories: Terry Brooks