Heritage of Shannara 1 – The Scions of Shannara by Brooks, Terry

down to have a look has come back out again.”

“That troubles me, too,” Coil agreed.

Par glanced briefly at the outlaws, who were paying no atten-

tion to them. “None of us thought for a minute that it wouldn’t

be dangerous trying to recover the Sword,” he whispered, a hint

of exasperation in his voice. “Surely you didn’t expect to just

walk up and take it? Of course no one’s seen it! It wouldn’t be

missing if they had, would it? And you can bet that the Feder-

ation has made certain no one who got down into the Pit got

back out again! That’s the reason for the guards and the Gate-

house! Besides, the fact that the Federation has gone to so much

trouble to hide the old bridge and park suggests to me that the

Sword is down there!”

Coil looked at his brother steadily. “It also suggests that that’s

where it’s meant to stay.”

The conversation broke off and the three of them drifted away

to separate comers of the basement. Evening passed quickly into

nightfall and the heat of the day finally faded. The little company

ate an uneventful dinner amid long stretches of silence. Only

Padishar had much of anything to say, ebullient as always, toss-

ing off stories and jokes as if this night were the same as any

other, seemingly heedless of the fact that his audience remained

unresponsive. Par was too excited to eat or talk and spent the

time wondering if Padishar were as unaffected as he appeared.

Nothing seemed to alter the mood of the outlaw chief. Padishar

Creel was either very brave or very foolish, and it bothered the

Valeman that he wasn’t sure which it was.

Dinner ended and they sat around talking in hushed voices

and staring at the walls. Padishar came over to Par at one point

and crouched down beside him. “Are you anxious to be about

our business, lad?” he asked softly.

No one else was close enough to hear. Par nodded.

“Ah, well, it won’t be long now.” The outlaw patted his

knee. The hard eyes held his own. “Just remember what we’re

about. A quick look and out again. If the Sword is there for the

taking, fine. If not, no delays.” His smile was wolfish. “Cau-

tion in all things.” He slipped away, leaving Par to stare after


The minutes lengthened with the wearing slowness of shad-

ows at midday. Par and Coil sat side by side without speaking.

Par could almost hear his brother’s thoughts in the silence. The

oil lamps flickered and spat. A giant swamp fly buzzed about

the ceiling until Ciba Blue killed it. The basement room began

to smell close.

Then finally Padishar stood up and said it was time. They

came to their feet eagerly, anticipation flickering in their eyes.

Weapons were strapped down and cloaks pulled close. They

went up the basement stairs through the trapdoor and out into

the night.

The city streets were empty and still. Voices drifted out of

ale houses and sleeping rooms, punctuated by raucous laughter

and occasional shouts. The lamps were mostly broken or unlit

on the back streets that Padishar took them down, and there was

only moonlight to guide them through the shadows. They did

not move furtively, only cautiously, not wishing to draw atten-

tion to themselves. They ducked back into alleyways several

times to avoid knots of swaying, singing revellers who were

making their way homeward. Drunks and beggars who saw them

pass barely glanced up from the doorways and alcoves in which

they lay. They saw no Federation soldiers. The Federation left

the back streets and the poor of Tyrsis to manage for themselves.

When they reached the People’s Park and the Bridge of Sendic,

Padishar sent them across the broad expanse of the Tyrsian Way

in twos and threes into the shadows of the park, dispatching

them in different directions to regroup later, carefully watching

the well-lighted Way for any approach of the Federation patrols

he knew would be found there. Only one patrol passed, and it

saw nothing of the company. A watch was posted before the

Gatehouse at the center of the wall that warded the Pit, but the

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Categories: Terry Brooks