Heritage of Shannara 1 – The Scions of Shannara by Brooks, Terry

in only minutes. No alarm had gone up yet from the watch;

apparently he hadn’t been missed. Maybe they hadn’t bothered

to count the original number of their prisoners, he reasoned.

After all, it had been dark, and the capture had taken place in a

matter of seconds.

At any rate, he was free. So what was he going to do now?

He worked his way back through the park toward the Tyrsian

Way, keeping to the shadows, stopping every few seconds to

listen for the sounds of the pursuit that never came. He was

sweating freely, his tunic sticking to his back, his face streaked

with dust. He was exhilarated by his escape and devastated by

the realization that he didn’t know how to take advantage of it.

There was no help for him in Tyrsis and no help for him without.

He didn’t know who to contact within the city; there was no one

he could afford to trust. And he had no idea how to get back

into the Parma Key. Steff would help if he knew his companions

were in trouble. But how would the Dwarf find out before it was

too late to matter?

The lights of the Way came into view through the trees. Par

stumbled to the edge of the park, close to its western boundaries,

and collapsed in despair against the trunk of an old maple. He

had to do something; he couldn’t just wander about. He brushed

at his face with his sleeve and let his head sink back against the

rough bark. He was suddenly sick and it took every ounce of

willpower he could muster to prevent himself from retching.

He had to get back to Coil and Morgan. He had to find a way

to free them.

Use the wishsong, he thought.

But how?

A Federation patrol came down the Way, boots clumping in

the stillness. Par shrank back into the shadows and waited until

they were out of sight. Then he moved from his cover along the

edge of the park toward a fountain bordering the walk. Once

there, he leaned over and hurriedly splashed water on his hands

and face. The water ran along his skin like liquid silver.

He paused, letting his head sink against his chest. He was

suddenly very tired.

The arm that yanked him around was strong and unyielding,

snapping his head back violently. He found himself face-to-face

with Damson Rhee.

“What happened?” she demanded, her voice low.

Frantically, Par reached for his long knife. But his weapons

were gone, taken by the Federation. He shoved at the girl, trying

to rip free of her grip, but she sidestepped the blow without

effort and kicked him so hard in the stomach that he doubled


“What are you doing, you idiot?” she whispered angrily.

Without waiting for an answer, she hauled him back into the

concealing shadows of the park and threw him to the ground.

“If you try something like that again with me, I will break both

your arms!” she snapped.

Par pulled himself up to a sitting position, still looking for a

way to escape. But she shoved him back against the ground and

crouched close. “Why don’t we try again, my beloved Elf-boy?

Where are the others? What has happened to them?”

Par swallowed against his rage. “The Federation has them!

They were waiting for us. Damson! As if you didn’t know!”

The anger in her eyes was replaced by surprise. “What do

you mean, ‘as if I didn’t know’?”

“They were waiting for us. We never got past the wall. We

were betrayed! The Federation commander told us so! He said

it was one of our own-an outlaw, Damson!” Par was shaking.

Damson Rhee’s gaze was steady. “And you have decided that

it was me, have you. Par Ohmsford?”

Par forced himself up on his elbows. “Who better man you?

You were the only one who knew what we were about-me only

one not taken! No one else knew! If not you, then who could it

possibly have been?”

There was a long silence as they stared at each other in the

dark. The sound of voices nearby grew slowly distinct. Someone

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Categories: Terry Brooks