Heritage of Shannara 1 – The Scions of Shannara by Brooks, Terry

like a lance. It looked like some sort of monstrous dog or wolf

with a massive chest and neck thick with fur and a face that was

all misshapen. It had oddly fat legs, a barrel body, small ears

and tail, and the look of something that had no friends. Its jaws

parted once, the biggest jaws Par had ever seen on anything,

and spittle drooled out. The jaws snapped shut, and it started

toward them in a slow amble.

“Keep moving,” Steff said quietly, and they did. They walked

ahead steadily, following the weave of the trail, trying not to

look back.

“What is it?” Morgan asked, his voice low.

“They call it a Gnawl,” Steff answered calmly. ‘ ‘It lives east

in the deepest part of the Anar, beyond the Ravenshom. Very

dangerous.” He paused. “I never heard of one being seen in

the central Anar, though-let alone in the Wolfsktaag.”

“Until now, you mean,” muttered Coil.

They made their way through a broad split in the mountains

where the trail began to dip sharply downward into a hollows.

The sun was gone, and gray twilight hung over everything like

a shroud. It was getting hard to see. The thing behind them

appeared and disappeared in fits and starts, causing Par to won-

der what would happen when they lost sight of it altogether.

“I never heard of one stalking men either,” Steff declared

suddenly from just behind him.

The strange hunt continued, the Gnawl trailing them at a

distance of about a hundred yards, apparently content to wait

for darkness to descend completely. Steff urged them on, search-

ing for a spot where they could make a stand.

“Why don’t you simply let me go after it!” Morgan snapped

back at him at one point.

“Because you would be dead quicker than I could say your

name, Highlander,” the Dwarf answered, his voice cold. “Don’t

be fooled. This creature is more than a match for the five of us

if it catches us unprepared. All the magic in the world won’t

make a difference if that happens!”

Par froze, wondering suddenly if the magic in Morgan’s sword

was of any use against this beast. Wasn’t the sword’s magic

triggered only by an encounter with similar magic? Wasn’t it

simply a common sword when otherwise employed? Wasn’t that

what Allanon had intended when he had given the blade its

power? Hfe struggled to remember the particulars of the story

and failed. But the other magics, those of the Sword of Shannara

and of the Elfstones, had been effective only against things of

magic-he remembered that well enough. It was very likely the

same with . . .

“Ahead, down by that hollows,” Steff said abruptly, ending

his speculation. “That’s where we will…”

He never finished. The Gnawl came at them, hurtling through

the darkness, a huge, black shape bounding across the broken

rock and scrub with a speed that was astonishing. “Go!” Steff

shouted at them, pointed hurriedly down the trail and turned to

face the beast.

They went without thinking, all but Morgan who wrenched

free the Sword of Leah and rushed to stand with his friend. Teel,

Coil, and Par dashed ahead, glancing back just as the Gnawl

reached their companions. The creature lunged at Steff, but the

Dwarf was waiting, the huge mace held ready. He caught the

beast full against the side of its head with a blow that would

have dropped anything else. But the Gnawl shrugged the blow

aside and came at the Dwarf again. Steff hammered it a second

time, men broke past it, pulling the Highlander after him. They

came down the trail in a spring, quickly catching the fleeing

Valemen and Teel.

“Down the slope!” Steff yelled, literally shoving them off the

trail. They rushed into the scrub and rocks, skidding and slid-

ing. Par went down, tumbled head-over-heels, and came back

to his feet all in the same motion. He was disoriented, and there

was blood in his eyes. Steff jerked him about and dragged him

forward, down the slide, the sound of labored breathing and

shouting all about him.

Then he was aware of the Gnawl. He heard it before he saw

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Categories: Terry Brooks