Myth-Nomers & Im-Pervections by Robert Asprin

My feeling of control dimmed a bit. Somehow, this seemed much more serious than my last visit. “Am I being charged with anything?”

“Not yet,” the captain said. “We’ll see how the questioning goes.”

I had been thinking of trying to get in touch with Shai-ster, one of the Mob’s lawyers. It occurred to me, however, that just having access to him might damage the image I was attempting to project of an innocent, injured citizen.

“Then I’ll give the questioning a shot on my own,” I said. “I may holler for legal help if it get’s too rough, though.”

“Suit yourself,” the policeman shrugged, picking up the sheaf of papers he had brought in with him. Something in his manner made me think I had just made the wrong choice in not insisting on having a lawyer. Nervously, I began to chatter, fishing for reassurance that things really weren’t as bad as they were starting to seem.

“Actually, Captain, I’m a little surprised that I’m here. I thought we had covered everything pretty well my last visit.”

The police who had picked me up in front of my hotel and delivered me to the station had been extremely tight lipped. Beyond the simple statement that’ ‘The captain wants to see you,” they hadn’t given the slightest indication of why I was being pulled in.

“Oh, the IDs were just to confirm we were dealing with the right person,” the captain smiled. “A point you have very generously conceded. As to why you’re here, it seems there are one or two minor things we didn’t cover the last time we chatted.”

He picked up one of the sheets, holding it by his fingertips as if it were extremely fragile or precious. “You see, just as I promised, we’ve run a check on you through some of the other dimensions.”

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Categories: Asprin, Robert