Sweet MYTH-tery of Life by Robert Asprin

“Is that a fact?” Aahz said darkly, starting to move again. “Just who is this Cassandra person, anyway? She doesn’t exactly sound like a local.”

“She’s not,” I confirmed. “Vic set me up with her. She’s a friend of his.”

“Nice to know he didn’t set you up with an enemy,” my partner quipped. Still in all, it seems to me . , .”

He broke off and did another double take.

“Wait a minute. Vic? The same vampire Vic that you hang around with over at the Bazaar? You mean this Cassandra babe is . . .”

“A vampire,” I said with a careless shrug. The truth was, I was starting to get a bit of a kick out of shocking Aahz. “Oh, she’s okay. No one you’d want to take home to mother, but . . . what’s wrong?”

He was craning his head around to peer at my neck from different angles.

“Just checking for bite marks,” he said.

“Com’on, Aahz. There wasn’t any danger of that. She was drinking her blood out of a glass last night.”

“Those weren’t the kind of bite marks I was checking for,” he grinned. “Vamps have a rep of being pretty wild women.”

“Um . . . speaking of destinations,” I said eager to change the subject, “where are we going?”

“No place special,” my partner said. “These local bars and inns are pretty much all the same. This one should do us fine.”

With that, he veered through the door of the place we were passing, leaving me to follow along behind.

The inn was refreshingly ordinary compared to what I could remember of the surreal clubs I had been to on Limbo. Ordinary, and more than a little dull.

Dark wooden tables and chairs were the main feature of the decor, with occasional candles scattered here and there to supplement the light which streamed in through windows and the open door.

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Categories: Asprin, Robert