Sweet MYTH-tery of Life by Robert Asprin

Not for the first time, it occurred to me that my partner had a tendency to appraise the pluses and minuses of any situation by the simple technique of reducing everything to monetary terms and scrutinizing the bottom line.

“The problem is,” I said tersely, “that in order to get that access to the treasury, I have to get married or become king. Frankly, I’m not sure I’m wild about either option.”

“Compared to what you’ve been through in the past to scrape together a few coins, it’s not bad,” Aahz shrugged. “Face it, Skeeve. Making a bundle usually involves something unpleasant. Nobody . . . and I mean nobody … is going to fork over hard cash for your having a good time.”

Of course, those “few coins” we had scraped together over the past years added up to enough to make even a Pervish banker sit up and take notice, but I knew the futility of trying to convince Aahz that there was ever such a thing as enough money.

“Maybe I could just write about having dubious adventures instead of actually doing anything,” I muttered. “That always sounded to me like a pretty cushy job to cash in on the good life.”

“You think so? Well, let me educate you to the harsh realities of the universe, partner. It’s one thing to practice a skill or a hobby when you feel like it, but whether it’s writing, singing, or playing baseball, when you’ve got to do something whether you’re up for it or not, it’s work!”

I could see this conversation was going nowhere. Aahz simply wasn’t going to see my point of view, so I decided to play dirty. I switched to his point of view.

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Categories: Asprin, Robert