Sweet MYTH-tery of Life by Robert Asprin

“I’m not sure,” I admitted. “My work doesn’t leave me much time to check out the nightlife.”

“Hey! When it comes to nightlife, I’m your girl. I know some GREAT places over on Limbo.”

Limbo! The dimension of werewolves and vampires. I had only been there once, and the memory wasn’t all that pleasant.

“Urn, I’d rather not if you don’t mind.”

“Really? Why not?”

“Well … if you must know, my dimension traveling skills aren’t all they could be,” I said, blurting out the first thing that came into my mind. Actually, my ability to travel the dimensions without the mechanical aid of a D-Hopper was non-existent, but I saw no need to be too honest.

“If that’s the only hitch, no problem,” Cassandra said. “Just leave the driving to me, Tiger.”

So saying, she hooked one arm in mine, did something I couldn’t see with her other hand, and, before I had the chance to protest further, we were there!

Now, for those of you who have never been there (which, I assume, includes most of my readers), Limbo isn’t much of a dimension to look at. That is, it’s hard to see much of anything because it’s DARK. Now, I don’t mean “dark,” I mean DARK!! Even when the sun is up, which it currently wasn’t, it doesn’t push much light through the perpetually overcast sky. Then, too, the predominant color of the architecture, roads, etc. is black, which does nothing toward brightening up the landscape. That in itself might make things look bleak, but when you added in the decorative flourishes the place looked positively grim.

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Categories: Asprin, Robert