Sweet MYTH-tery of Life by Robert Asprin

“Think carefully, Nunzio.” I said slowly. “When you were talking to Gleep, did you say anything . . . anything at all … about the possibility of Tananda or anyone else on the team being a threat to me?”

My bodyguard frowned thoughtfully for a moment, then shook his head.

“I don’t remember sayin’ anything like that, Boss. Why do you ask?”

Now it was my turn to hesitate. The idea that was taking shape in my mind seemed almost too silly to voice. Still, since I was turning to Nunzio for advice and expertise, it was only fair to share my suspicions with him.

“It may be crazy,” I said, “but I’m starting to get the feeling that Gleep is a lot more intelligent that we ever suspected. I mean, he’s always been kind of protective of me. If he were intelligent and got it into his head that someone on the team was a threat to me, there’s a chance he might try to kill them . . . just like he went after Markie.”

My bodyguard stared at me, then gave a short bark of laughter.

“You’re right, Boss,” he said. “That does sound crazy. I mean, Gleep’s a dragon! If he was to try to whack someone on the team, we’d know it pretty fast, know what I mean?”

“Like when he tried to burn Tananda?” I pressed. “Think about it, Nunzio. If he were intelligent, wouldn’t part of his conclusions be that I would be upset if anything happened to anyone on the team? In that case, wouldn’t he do his best to make any mishap look like an accident rather than a direct attack? I’ll admit it’s a wild theory, but it fits the facts.”

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Categories: Asprin, Robert