Sweet MYTH-tery of Life by Robert Asprin

“Wait a minute. You’re a friend of Vic’s from Klah, and you know magik . . . right?” she said, eagerly. “Do you know a magician there named the Great Skeeve?”

This really surprised me, but the pieces were starting to fall into place. The picture was incredible, but I managed to keep my cool.

“As a matter of fact, I know him rather well,” I said with a faint smile.

“Whatdaya know!” Cassandra declared, slapping the table with her palm. “I thought Vic was just trying to impress me when he said he knew him. Tell me, what’s he like?”

That one threw me.

“Vic? He’s a nice enough guy. I thought you . . .”

“No, silly. I mean Skeeve! What’s he like as a person?”

This was just getting better.

“Oh, he’s a lot like me,” I said. “I’m just surprised you heard of him.”

“You’ve got to be kidding!” she declared, rolling her eyes. “He’s about the hottest thing going as far as magicians go. Everybody’s talking about him. You know, he engineered a jailbreak right here on Limbo!”

“I think I heard about that,” I admitted.

“And just a while back, he got barred from the Dimension of Perv. Can you believe that? Perv?”

“It was a bum rap,” I grimaced.

“So you really do know him! Come on, tell me more. When you say he’s like you, do you mean he’s young or what?”

As much fun as this was, I figured it was time to stop before it got out of hand.

“Cassandra,” I said, carefully. “Watch my lips. He’s a lot like me. Get it?”

She frowned, then shook her head.

“No. I don’t. You make it sound like you’re twins or something. Either that, or . . .”

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Categories: Asprin, Robert