Ten Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part one

faithful friend the poor abandoned prince has left, I have

offered him to come hither to find the man upon whom now

depends the fate of royalty and of England; and I have come,

and placed myself under the eye of this man, and have placed

myself naked and unarmed in his hands, saying: — `My lord,

here are the last resources of a prince whom God made your

master, whom his birth made your king; upon you, and you

alone, depend his life and his future. Will you employ this

money in consoling England for the evils it must have

suffered from anarchy; that is to say, will you aid, and if

not aid, will you allow King Charles II. to act? You are

master, you are king, all-powerful master and king, for

chance sometimes defeats the work of time and God. I am here

alone with you, my lord: if divided success alarms you, if

my complicity annoys you, you are armed, my lord, and here

is a grave ready dug; if, on the contrary, the enthusiasm of

your cause carries you away, if you are what you appear to

be, if your hand in what it undertakes obeys your mind, .and

your mind your heart, here are the means of ruining forever

the cause of your enemy, Charles Stuart. Kill, then, the man

you have before you, for that man will never return to him

who has sent him without bearing with him the deposit which

Charles I., his father, confided to him, and keep the gold

which may assist in carrying on the civil war. Alas! my

lord, it is the fate of this unfortunate prince. He must

either corrupt or kill, for everything resists him,

everything repulses him, everything is hostile to him; and

yet he is marked with the divine seal, and he must, not to

belie his blood, reascend the throne, or die upon the sacred

soil of his country.’

“My lord, you have heard me. To any other but the

illustrious man who listens to me, I would have said: `My

lord, you are poor; my lord, the king offers you this

million as an earnest of an immense bargain; take it, and

serve Charles II. as I served Charles I., and I feel assured

that God, who listens to us, who sees us, who alone reads in

your heart, shut from all human eyes, — I am assured God

will give you a happy eternal life after a happy death.’ But

to General Monk, to the illustrious man of whose standard I

believe I have taken measure, I say: `My lord, there is for

you in the history of peoples and kings a brilliant place,

an immortal, imperishable glory, if alone, without any other

interest but the good of your country and the interests of

justice, you become the supporter of your king. Many others

have been conquerors and glorious usurpers; you, my lord,

you will be content with being the most virtuous, the most

honest, and the most incorruptible of men: you will have

held a crown in your hand, and instead of placing it upon

your own brow, you will have deposited it upon the head of

him for whom it was made. Oh, my lord, act thus, and you

will leave to posterity the most enviable of names, in which

no human creature can rival you.'”

Athos stopped. During the whole time that the noble

gentleman was speaking, Monk had not given one sign of

either approbation or disapprobation; scarcely even, during

this vehement appeal, had his eyes been animated with that

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Dumas, Alexandre – Ten Years Later

fire which bespeaks intelligence. The Comte de la Fere

looked at him sorrowfully, and on seeing that melancholy

countenance, felt discouragement penetrate to his very

heart. At length Monk appeared to recover, and broke the


“Monsieur,” said he, in a mild, calm tone, “in reply to you,

I will make use of your own words. To any other but yourself

I would reply by expulsion, imprisonment, or still worse,

for, in fact, you tempt me and you force me at the same

time. But you are one of those men, monsieur, to whom it is

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre