Ten Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part one

“This time, however, monsieur, the circumstance is more

grave than any you may have been placed in. The safety of

the whole army is at stake. Reflect, the general has

disappeared, and our search for him has been vain. Is this

disappearance natural? Has a crime been committed? Are we

not bound to carry our investigations to extremity? Have we

any right to wait with patience? At this moment, everything,

monsieur, depends upon the words you are about to


“Thus questioned, gentlemen, I no longer hesitate,” said

Athos. “Yes, I came hither to converse confidentially with

General Monk, and ask him for an answer regarding certain

interests; yes, the general being, doubtless, unable to

pronounce before the expected battle, begged me to remain a

week in the house I inhabit, promising me that in a week I

should see him again. Yes, all this is true, and I swear it

by the God who is the absolute master of my life and yours.”

Athos pronounced these words with so much grandeur and

solemnity, that the three officers were almost convinced.

Nevertheless, one of the colonels made a last attempt.

“Monsieur,” said he, “although we may be now persuaded of

the truth of what you say, there is yet a strange mystery in

all this. The general is too prudent a man to have thus

abandoned his army on the eve of a battle without having at

least given notice of it to one of us. As for myself, I

cannot believe but that some strange event has been the

cause of this disappearance. Yesterday some foreign

fishermen came to sell their fish here; they were lodged

yonder among the Scots; that is to say, on the road the

general took with this gentleman, to go to the abbey, and to

return from it. It was one of those fishermen that

accompanied the general with a light. And this morning, bark

and fishermen have all disappeared, carried away by the

night’s tide.”

“For my part,” said the lieutenant, “I see nothing in that

that is not quite natural, for these people were not


“No, but I repeat it was one of them who lighted the general

and this gentleman to the abbey, and Digby assures us that

the general had strong suspicions concerning those people.

Now, who can say whether these people were not connected

with this gentleman; and that, the blow being struck, the

gentleman, who is evidently brave, did not remain to

reassure us by his presence, and to prevent our researches

being made in a right direction?”

This speech made an impression upon the other two officers.

“Sir,” said Athos, “permit me to tell you, that your

reasoning, though specious in appearance, nevertheless wants

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Dumas, Alexandre – Ten Years Later

consistency, as regards me. I have remained, you say, to

divert suspicion. Well! on the contrary, suspicions arise in

me as well as in you; and I say, it is impossible,

gentlemen, that the general, on the eve of a battle, should

leave his army without saying anything to at least one of

his officers. Yes, there is some strange event connected

with this; instead of being idle and waiting, you must

display all the activity and all the vigilance possible. I

am your prisoner, gentlemen, upon parole or otherwise. My

honor is concerned in ascertaining what has become of

General Monk, and to such a point, that if you were to say

to me, `Depart!’ I should reply `No, I will remain!’ And if

you were to ask my opinion, I should add: `Yes, the general

is the victim of some conspiracy, for, if he had intended to

leave the camp he would have told me so.’ Seek then, search

the land, search the sea; the general has not gone of his

own good will.”

The lieutenant made a sign to the other two officers.

“No, monsieur,” said he, “no; in your turn you go too far.

The general has nothing to suffer from these events, and, no

doubt, has directed them. What Monk is now doing he has

often done before. We are wrong in alarming ourselves; his

absence will, doubtless, be of short duration; therefore,

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre