Ten Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part one

“Monsieur, to one louis, with refreshments and the charge

for the horse.”

“Very well, and that of to-day?”

“Ah! there is the difficulty. This is the day of the king’s

arrival; if the court comes to sleep here, the charge of the

day is reckoned. From that it results that three chambers,

at two louis each, makes six louis. Two louis, monsieur, are

not much; but six louis make a great deal.”

The unknown, from red, as we have seen him, became very


He drew from his pocket, with heroic bravery, a purse

embroidered with a coat-of-arms, which he carefully

concealed in the hollow of his hand. This purse was of a

thinness, a flabbiness, a hollowness, which did not escape

the eye of Cropole.

The unknown emptied the purse into his hand. It contained

three double louis, which amounted to the six louis demanded

by the host.

But it was seven that Cropole had required.

He looked, therefore, at the unknown, as much as to say,

“And then?”

“There remains one louis, does there not, master hotelier?”

“Yes, monsieur, but —- ”

The unknown plunged his hand into the pocket of his

haut-de-chausses, and emptied it. It contained a small

pocket-book, a gold key, and some silver. With this change

he made up a louis.

“Thank you, monsieur,” said Cropole. “It now only remains

for me to ask whether monsieur intends to occupy his

apartments to-morrow, in which case I will reserve them for

him; whereas, if monsieur does not mean to do so, I will

promise them to some of the king’s people who are coming.”

“That is but right,” said the unknown, after a long silence,

“but as I have no more money, as you have seen, and as I yet

must retain the apartments, you must either sell this

diamond in the city, or hold it in pledge.”

Cropole looked at the diamond so long, that the unknown

said, hastily:

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Dumas, Alexandre – Ten Years Later

“I prefer your selling it, monsieur; for it is worth three

hundred pistoles. A Jew — are there any Jews in Blois? —

would give you two hundred or a hundred and fifty for it —

take whatever may be offered for it, if it be no more than

the price of your lodging. Begone!”

“Oh! monsieur,” replied Cropole, ashamed of the sudden

inferiority which the unknown reflected upon him by this

noble and disinterested confidence, as well as by the

unalterable patience opposed to so many suspicions and

evasions. “Oh, monsieur, I hope people are not so dishonest

at Blois as you seem to think, and that the diamond, being

worth what you say —- ”

The unknown here again darted at Cropole one of his

withering glances.

“I really do not understand diamonds, monsieur, I assure

you,” cried he.

“But the jewelers do: ask them,” said the unknown. “Now I

believe our accounts are settled, are they not, monsieur


“Yes, monsieur, and to my profound regret; for I fear I have

offended monsieur.”

“Not at all!” replied the unknown, with ineffable majesty.

“Or have appeared to be extortionate with a noble traveler.

Consider, monsieur, the peculiarity of the case.”

“Say no more about it, I desire; and leave me to myself.”

Cropole bowed profoundly, and left the room with a stupefied

air, which announced that he had a good heart, and felt

genuine remorse.

The unknown himself shut the door after him, and when left

alone, looked mournfully at the bottom of the purse, from

which he had taken a small silken bag containing the

diamond, his last resource.

He dwelt likewise upon the emptiness of his pockets, turned

over the papers in his pocket-book, and convinced himself of

the state of absolute destitution in which he was about to

be plunged.

He raised his eyes towards heaven, with a sublime emotion of

despairing calmness, brushed off with his hand some drops of

sweat which trickled over his noble brow, and then cast down

upon the earth a look which just before had been impressed

with almost divine majesty.

That the storm had passed far from him, perhaps he had

prayed in the bottom of his soul.

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre