Ten Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part one

every day; at least, so I was told by persons of judgment;

and that is a long period for heroism, trust me, sire, a

period of five years. Nevertheless, I have faith in what

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Dumas, Alexandre – Ten Years Later

these people told me, for they were good judges. They were

named M. de Richelieu, M. de Buckingham, M. de Beaufort, M.

de Retz, a mighty genius himself in street warfare, — in

short, the king, Louis XIII., and even the queen, your noble

mother, who one day condescended to say, `Thank you.’ I

don’t know what service I had had the good fortune to render

her. Pardon me, sire, for speaking so boldly; but what I

relate to you, as I have already had the honor to tell your

majesty, is history.”

The king bit his lips, and threw himself violently on a


“I appear importunate to your majesty,” said the lieutenant.

“Eh! sire, that is the fate of truth; she is a stern

companion; she bristles all over with steel; she wounds

those whom she attacks, and sometimes him who speaks her.”

“No, monsieur,” replied the king; “I bade you speak — speak


“After the service of the king and the cardinal came the

service of the regency, sire; I fought pretty well in the

Fronde — much less, though, than the first time. The men

began to diminish in stature. I have, nevertheless, led your

majesty’s musketeers on some perilous occasions, which stand

upon the orders of the day of the company. Mine was a

beautiful luck at that time. I was the favorite of M. de

Mazarin. Lieutenant here! lieutenant there! lieutenant to

the right! lieutenant to the left! There was not a buffet

dealt in France, of which your humble servant did not have

the dealing; but soon France was not enough. The cardinal

sent me to England on Cromwell’s account; another gentleman

who was not over gentle, I assure you, sire. I had the honor

of knowing him, and I was well able to appreciate him. A

great deal was promised me on account of that mission. So,

as I did much more than I had been bidden to do, I was

generously paid, for I was at length appointed captain of

the musketeers, that is to say, the most envied position in

court, which takes precedence over the marshals of France,

and justly, for who says captain of the musketeers says the

flower of chivalry and king of the brave.”

“Captain, monsieur!” interrupted the king, “you make a

mistake. Lieutenant, you mean.”

“Not at all, sire — I make no mistake; your majesty may

rely upon me in that respect. Monsieur le cardinal gave me

the commission himself.”


“But M. de Mazarin, as you know better than anybody, does

not often give, and sometimes takes back what he has given;

he took it back again as soon as peace was made and he was

no longer in want of me. Certainly I was not worthy to

replace M. de Treville, of illustrious memory; but they had

promised me, and they had given me; they ought to have

stopped there.”

“Is that what dissatisfies you, monsieur? Well I shall make

inquiries. I love justice; and your claim, though made in

military fashion, does not displease me.”

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“Oh, sire!” said the officer, “your majesty has ill

understood me; I no longer claim anything now.”

“Excess of delicacy, monsieur; but I will keep my eye upon

your affairs, and later —- ”

“Oh, sire! what a word! — later! Thirty years have I lived

upon that promising word, which has been pronounced by so

many great personages, and which your mouth has, in its

turn, just pronounced. Later — that is how I have received

a score of wounds, and how I have reached fifty-four years

of age without ever having had a louis in my purse, and

without ever having met with a protector on my way, — I who

have protected so many people! So I change my formula, sire;

and when any one says to me `Later,’ I reply `Now.’ It is

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre