Ten Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part one

commanded you to burn this gentleman.”

“He did not command that, general; he commanded us to bring

him to the camp; but the count was not willing to follow


“I was not willing that they should enter and plunder my

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Dumas, Alexandre – Ten Years Later

house,” said Athos to Monk, with a significant look.

“And you were quite right. To the camp, I say.” The soldiers

departed with dejected looks. “Now we are alone,” said Monk

to Athos, “have the goodness to tell me, monsieur, why you

persisted in remaining here, whilst you had your felucca

—- ”

“I waited for you, general,” said Athos. “Had not your honor

appointed to meet me in a week?”

An eloquent look from D’Artagnan made it clear to Monk that

these two men, so brave and so loyal, had not acted in

concert for his abduction. He knew already it could not be


“Monsieur,” said he to D’Artagnan, “you were perfectly

right. Have the kindness to allow me a moment’s conversation

with M. le Comte de la Fere?”

D’Artagnan took advantage of this to go and ask Grimaud how

he was. Monk requested Athos to conduct him to the chamber

he lived in.

This chamber was still full of smoke and rubbish. More than

fifty balls had passed through the windows and mutilated the

walls. They found a table, inkstand, and materials for

writing. Monk took up a pen, wrote a single line, signed it,

folded the paper, sealed the letter with the seal of his

ring, and handed over the missive to Athos, saying,

“Monsieur, carry, if you please, this letter to King Charles

II., and set out immediately, if nothing detains you here

any longer.”

“And the casks?” said Athos.

“The fisherman who brought me hither will assist you in

transporting them on board. Depart, if possible, within an


“Yes, general,” said Athos.

“Monsieur d’Artagnan!” cried Monk, from the window.

D’Artagnan ran up precipitately

“Embrace your friend and bid him adieu, sir; he is returning

to Holland.”

“To Holland!” cried D’Artagnan; “and I?”

“You are at liberty to follow him, monsieur, but I request

you to remain,” said Monk. “Will you refuse me?”

“Oh, no, general; I am at your orders.”

D’Artagnan embraced Athos, and only had time to bid him

adieu. Monk watched them both. Then he took upon himself the

preparations for the departure, the transportation of the

casks on board, and the embarking of Athos; then, taking

D’Artagnan by the arm, who was quite amazed and agitated, he

led him towards Newcastle. Whilst going along, the general

leaning on his arm, D’Artagnan could not help murmuring to

himself, — “Come, come, it seems to me that the shares of

the firm of Planchet and Company are rising.”

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Dumas, Alexandre – Ten Years Later


Monk reveals himself

D’Artagnan, although he flattered himself with better

success, had, nevertheless, not too well comprehended his

situation. It was a strange and grave subject for him to

reflect upon — this voyage of Athos into England; this

league of the king with Athos, and that extraordinary

combination of his design with that of the Comte de la Fere.

The best way was to let things follow their own train. An

imprudence had been committed, and, whilst having succeeded,

as he had promised, D’Artagnan found that he had gained no

advantage by his success. Since everything was lost, he

could risk no more.

D’Artagnan followed Monk through his camp. The return of the

general had produced a marvelous effect, for his people had

thought him lost. But Monk, with his austere look and icy

demeanor, appeared to ask of his eager lieutenants and

delighted soldiers the cause of all this joy. Therefore, to

the lieutenants who had come to meet him, and who expressed

the uneasiness with which they had learnt his departure, —

“Why is all this?” said he; “am I obliged to give you an

account of myself?”

“But, your honor, the sheep may well tremble without the


“Tremble!” replied Monk, in his calm and powerful voice;

“ah, monsieur, what a word! Curse me, if my sheep have not

both teeth and claws; I renounce being their shepherd. Ah,

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre