Ten Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part one

my money has never been a burden to me.”

“How so? Do you place it out at interest?”

“No; you know I have a tolerably handsome house; and that

house composes the better part of my property.”

“I know it does.”

“So that you can be as rich as I am, and, indeed more rich,

whenever you like, by the same means.”

“But your rents, — do you lay them by?”

“What do you think of a chest concealed in a wall?”

“I never made use of such a thing.”

“Then you must have some confidant, some safe man of

business who pays you interest at a fair rate.”

“Not at all.”

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Dumas, Alexandre – Ten Years Later

“Good heavens! what do you do with it, then?”

“I spend all I have, and I only have what I spend, my dear


“Ah that may be. But you are something of a prince, fifteen

or sixteen thousand livres melt away between your fingers;

and then you have expenses and appearances —- ”

“Well, I don’t see why you should be less of a noble than I

am, my friend; your money would be quite sufficient.”

“Three hundred thousand crowns! Two-thirds too much!”

“I beg your pardon — did you not tell me? — I thought I

heard you say — I fancied you had a partner —- ”

“Ah! Mordioux! that’s true,” cried D’Artagnan, coloring;

“there is Planchet. I had forgotten Planchet, upon my life!

Well! there are my three hundred thousand crowns broken

into. That’s a pity! it was a round sum, and sounded well.

That is true, Athos; I am no longer rich. What a memory you


“Tolerably good; yes, thank God!”

“The worthy Planchet!” grumbled D’Artagnan; “his was not a

bad dream! What a speculation! Peste! Well! what is said is


“How much are you to give him?”

“Oh!” said D’Artagnan, “he is not a bad fellow; I shall

arrange matters with him. I have had a great deal of

trouble, you see, and expenses; all that must be taken into


“My dear friend, I can depend upon you, and have no fear for

the worthy Planchet; his interests are better in your hands

than in his own. But now that you have nothing more to do

here, we shall depart, if you please. You can go and thank

his majesty, ask if he has any commands, and in six days we

may be able to get sight of the towers of Notre Dame.”

“My friend, I am most anxious to be off, and will go at once

and pay my respects to the king.”

“I,” said Athos, “am going to call upon some friends in the

city, and shall then be at your service.”

“Will you lend me Grimaud?”

“With all my heart. What do you want to do with him?”

“Something very simple, and which will not fatigue him; I

shall only beg him to take charge of my pistols, which lie

there on the table near that coffer.”

“Very well!” replied Athos, imperturbably.

“And he will not stir, will he?”

“Not more than the pistols themselves.”

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Dumas, Alexandre – Ten Years Later

“Then I shall go and take leave of his majesty. Au revoir!”

D’Artagnan arrived at St. James’s, where Charles II. who was

busy writing, kept him in the ante-chamber a full hour.

Whilst walking about in the gallery, from the door to the

window, from the window to the door, he thought he saw a

cloak like Athos’s cross the vestibule; but at the moment he

was going to ascertain if it were he, the usher summoned him

to his majesty’s presence. Charles II. rubbed his hands

while receiving the thanks of our friend.

“Chevalier,” said he, “you are wrong to express gratitude to

me; I have not paid you a quarter of the value of the

history of the box into which you put the brave general —

the excellent Duke of Albemarle, I mean.” And the king

laughed heartily.

D’Artagnan did not think it proper to interrupt his majesty,

and bowed with much modesty.

“A propos,” continued Charles, “do you think my dear Monk

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre