Ten Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part one

enlarged the circle of its report, like the increasing

circumference produced by a stone thrown into a placid lake?

Blois, as peaceful in the morning, as we have seen, as the

calmest lake in the world, at the announcement of the royal

arrival, was suddenly filled with the tumult and buzzing of

a swarm of bees.

All the servants of the castle, under the inspection of the

officers, were sent into the city in quest of provisions,

and ten horsemen were dispatched to the preserves of

Chambord to seek for game, to the fisheries of Beuvion for

fish, and to the gardens of Chaverny for fruits and flowers.

Precious tapestries, and lusters with great gilt chains,

were drawn from the cupboards; an army of the poor were

engaged in sweeping the courts and washing the stone fronts,

whilst their wives went in droves to the meadows beyond the

Loire, to gather green boughs and field-flowers. The whole

city, not to be behind in this luxury of cleanliness,

assumed its best toilette with the help of brushes, brooms,

and water.

The kennels of the upper town, swollen by these continued

lotions, became rivers at the bottom of the city, and the

pavement, generally very muddy, it must be allowed, took a

clean face, and absolutely shone in the friendly rays of the

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Dumas, Alexandre – Ten Years Later


Next the music was to be provided; drawers were emptied; the

shop-keepers did a glorious trade in wax, ribbons, and

sword-knots; housekeepers laid in stores of bread, meat, and

spices. Already numbers of the citizens whose houses were

furnished as if for a siege, having nothing more to do,

donned their festive clothes and directed their course

towards the city gate, in order to be the first to signal or

see the cortege. They knew very well that the king would not

arrive before night, perhaps not before the next morning.

Yet what is expectation but a kind of folly, and what is

that folly but an excess of hope?

In the lower city, at scarcely a hundred paces from the

Castle of the States, between the mall and the castle, in a

sufficiently handsome street, then called Rue Vieille, and

which must, in fact, have been very old, stood a venerable

edifice, with pointed gables, of squat but large dimensions,

ornamented with three windows looking into the street on the

first floor, with two in the second and with a little oeil

de boeuf in the third.

On the sides of this triangle had recently been constructed

a parallelogram of considerable size, which encroached upon

the street remorselessly, according to the familiar uses of

the building of that period. The street was narrowed by a

quarter by it, but then the house was enlarged by a half;

and was not that a sufficient compensation?

Tradition said that this house with the pointed gables was

inhabited, in the time of Henry III., by a councilor of

state whom Queen Catherine came, some say to visit, and

others to strangle. However that may be, the good lady must

have stepped with a circumspect foot over the threshold of

this building.

After the councilor had died — whether by strangulation or

naturally is of no consequence — the house had been sold,

then abandoned, and lastly isolated from the other houses of

the street. Towards the middle of the reign of Louis XIII.

only, an Italian, named Cropoli, escaped from the kitchens

of the Marquis d’Ancre, came and took possession of this

house. There he established a little hostelry, in which was

fabricated a macaroni so delicious that people came from

miles round to fetch it or eat it.

So famous had the house become for it, that when Mary de

Medici was a prisoner, as we know, in the castle of Blois,

she once sent for some.

It was precisely on the day she had escaped by the famous

window. The dish of macaroni was left upon the table, only

just tasted by the royal mouth.

This double favor, of a strangulation and a macaroni,

conferred upon the triangular house, gave poor Cropoli a

fancy to grace his hostelry with a pompous title. But his

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre