Ten Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part one

Dumas, Alexandre – Ten Years Later

Whilst D’Artagnan was returning to Planchet’s house, his

head aching and bewildered with all that had happened to

him, there was passing a scene of quite a different

character, and which, nevertheless is not foreign to the

conversation our musketeer had just had with the king; only

this scene took place out of Paris, in a house possessed by

the superintendent Fouquet in the village of Saint-Mande.

The minister had just arrived at this country-house,

followed by his principal clerk, who carried an enormous

portfolio full of papers to be examined, and others waiting

for signature. As it might be about five o’clock in the

afternoon, the masters had dined: supper was being prepared

for twenty subaltern guests. The superintendent did not

stop: on alighting from his carriage, he, at the same bound,

sprang through the doorway, traversed the apartments and

gained his cabinet, where he declared he would shut himself

up to work, commanding that he should not be disturbed for

anything but an order from the king. As soon as this order

was given, Fouquet shut himself up, and two footmen were

placed as sentinels at his door. Then Fouquet pushed a bolt

which displaced a panel that walled up the entrance, and

prevented everything that passed in this apartment from

being either seen or heard. But, against all probability, it

was only for the sake of shutting himself up that Fouquet

shut himself up thus, for he went straight to a bureau,

seated himself at it, opened the portfolio, and began to

make a choice amongst the enormous mass of papers it

contained. It was not more than ten minutes after he had

entered, and taken all the precautions we have described,

when the repeated noise of several slight equal knocks

struck his ear, and appeared to fix his utmost attention.

Fouquet raised his head, turned his ear, and listened.

The strokes continued. Then the worker arose with a slight

movement of impatience and walked straight up to a glass

behind which the blows were struck by a hand, or by some

invisible mechanism. It was a large glass let into a panel.

Three other glasses, exactly similar to it, completed the

symmetry of the apartment. Nothing distinguished that one

from the others. Without doubt, these reiterated knocks were

a signal; for, at the moment Fouquet approached the glass

listening, the same noise was renewed, and in the same

measure. “Oh! oh!” murmured the intendent, with surprise,

“who is yonder? I did not expect anybody to-day.” And,

without doubt, to respond to that signal, he pulled out a

gilded nail near the glass, and shook it thrice. Then

returning to his place, and seating himself again, “Ma foi!

let them wait,” said he. And plunging again into the ocean

of papers unrolled before him, he appeared to think of

nothing now but work. In fact with incredible rapidity and

marvelous lucidity, Fouquet deciphered the largest papers

and most complicated writings, correcting them, annotating

them with a pen moved as if by a fever, and the work melting

under his hands, signatures, figures, references, became

multiplied as if ten clerks — that is to say, a hundred

fingers and ten brains had performed the duties, instead of

the five fingers and single brain of this man. From time to

time, only, Fouquet, absorbed by his work, raised his head

to cast a furtive glance upon a clock placed before him. The

reason of this was, Fouquet set himself a task, and when

this task was once set, in one hour’s work he, by himself,

did what another would not have accomplished in a day;

always certain, consequently, provided he was not disturbed,

of arriving at the close in the time his devouring activity

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre