Ten Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part one

pretense, to make them otherwise. But points of view change

greatly in the course of a life. It is a magic lantern, of

which the eye of man every year changes the aspects. It

results that from the last day of a year on which we saw

white, to the first day of the year on which we shall see

black, there is but the interval of a single night.

Now, D’Artagnan, when he left Calais with his ten scamps,

would have hesitated as little in attacking a Goliath, a

Nebuchadnezzar, or a Holofernes as he would in crossing

swords with a recruit or caviling with a landlady. Then he

resembled the sparrow-hawk which, when fasting, will attack

a ram. Hunger is blind. But D’Artagnan satisfied —

D’Artagnan rich — D’Artagnan a conqueror — D’Artagnan

proud of so difficult a triumph — D’Artagnan had too much

to lose not to reckon, figure by figure, with probable


His thoughts were employed, therefore, all the way on the

road from his presentation, with one thing, and that was,

how he should conciliate a man like Monk, a man whom Charles

himself, kind as he was, conciliated with difficulty; for,

scarcely established, the protected might again stand in

need of the protector, and would, consequently, not refuse

him, such being the case, the petty satisfaction of

transporting M. d’Artagnan, or of confining him in one of

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Dumas, Alexandre – Ten Years Later

the Middlesex prisons, or drowning him a little on his

passage from Dover to Boulogne. Such sorts of satisfaction

kings are accustomed to render to viceroys without

disagreeable consequences.

It would not be at all necessary for the king to be active

in that contrepartie of the play in which Monk should take

his revenge. The part of the king would be confined to

simply pardoning the viceroy of Ireland all he should

undertake against D’Artagnan. Nothing more was necessary to

place the conscience of the Duke of Albemarle at rest than a

te absolvo said with a laugh, or the scrawl of “Charles the

King,” traced at the foot of a parchment; and with these two

words pronounced, and these two words written, poor

D’Artagnan was forever crushed beneath the ruins of his


And then, a thing sufficiently disquieting for a man with

such foresight as our musketeer, he found himself alone; and

even the friendship of Athos could not restore his

confidence. Certainly if the affair had only concerned a

free distribution of sword-thrusts, the musketeer would have

counted upon his companion; but in delicate dealings with a

king, when the perhaps of an unlucky chance should arise in

justification of Monk or of Charles of England, D’Artagnan

knew Athos well enough to be sure he would give the best

possible coloring to the loyalty of the survivor, and would

content himself with shedding floods of tears on the tomb of

the dead, supposing the dead to be his friend, and

afterwards composing his epitaph in the most pompous


“Decidedly,” thought the Gascon; and this thought was the

result of the reflections which he had just whispered to

himself and which we have repeated aloud — “decidedly, I

must be reconciled with M. Monk, and acquire a proof of his

perfect indifference for the past. If, and God forbid it

should be so! he is still sulky and reserved in the

expression of this sentiment, I shall give my money to Athos

to take away with him, and remain in England just long

enough to unmask him, then, as I have a quick eye and a

light foot, I shall notice the first hostile sign; to decamp

or conceal myself at the residence of my lord of Buckingham,

who seems a good sort of devil at the bottom, and to whom,

in return for his hospitality, I shall relate all that

history of the diamonds, which can now compromise nobody but

an old queen, who need not be ashamed, after being the wife

of a miserly creature like Mazarin, of having formerly been

the mistress of a handsome nobleman like Buckingham.

Mordioux! that is the thing, and this Monk shall not get the

better of me. Eh? and besides I have an idea!”

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre