Ten Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part one

horse, stopped before the gate, and with a sonorous “hola!”

called the stable-boys who, with the gardeners, had formed a

circle round Blaisois, the historian-in-ordinary to the

household of the chateau. This “hola,” doubtless well known

to Master Blaisois, made him turn his head and exclaim —

“Monsieur d’Artagnan! run quickly, you chaps, and open the


A swarm of eight brisk lads flew to the gate, which was

opened as if it had been made of feathers; and every one

loaded him with attentions, for they knew the welcome this

friend was accustomed to receive from their master; and for

such remarks the eye of the valet may always be depended


“Ah!” said M. d’Artagnan, with an agreeable smile, balancing

himself upon his stirrup to jump to the ground, “where is

that dear count?”

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Dumas, Alexandre – Ten Years Later

“Ah! how unfortunate you are, monsieur!” said Blaisois: “and

how unfortunate will monsieur le comte our master, think

himself when he hears of your coming! As ill luck will have

it, monsieur le comte left home two hours ago.”

D’Artagnan did not trouble himself about such trifles. “Very

good!” said he. “You always speak the best French in the

world; you shall give me a lesson in grammar and correct

language, whilst I wait the return of your master.”

“That is impossible, monsieur,” said Blaisois; “you would

have to wait too long.”

“Will he not come back to-day, then?”

“No, nor to-morrow, nor the day after to-morrow. Monsieur le

comte has gone on a journey.”

“A journey!” said D’Artagnan, surprised; “that’s a fable,

Master Blaisois.”

“Monsieur, it is no more than the truth. Monsieur has done

me the honor to give me the house in charge; and he added,

with his voice so full of authority and kindness — that is

all one to me: `You will say I have gone to Paris.'”

“Well!” cried D’Artagnan, “since he is gone towards Paris,

that is all I wanted to know! you should have told me so at

first, booby! He is then two hours in advance?”

“Yes, monsieur.”

“I shall soon overtake him. Is he alone?”

“No, monsieur.”

“Who is with him, then?”

“A gentleman whom I don’t know, an old man, and M. Grimaud.”

“Such a party cannot travel as fast as I can — I will


“Will monsieur listen to me an instant?” said Blaisois,

laying his hand gently on the reins of the horse.

“Yes, if you don’t favor me with fine speeches, and make


“Well, then, monsieur, that word Paris appears to me to be

only an excuse.”

“Oh, oh!” said D’Artagnan, seriously, “an excuse, eh?”

“Yes, monsieur; and monsieur le comte is not going to Paris,

I will swear.”

“What makes you think so?”

“This — M. Grimaud always knows where our master is going;

and he had promised me that the first time he went to Paris,

he would take a little money for me to my wife.”

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Dumas, Alexandre – Ten Years Later

“What, have you a wife, then?”

“I had one — she was of this country; but monsieur thought

her a noisy scold, and I sent her to Paris; it is sometimes

inconvenient, but very agreeable at others.”

“I understand; but go on. You do not believe the count gone

to Paris?”

“No, monsieur; for then M. Grimaud would have broken his

word; he would have perjured himself, and that is


“That is impossible,” repeated D’Artagnan, quite in a study,

because he was quite convinced. “Well, my brave Blaisois,

many thanks to you.”

Blaisois bowed.

“Come, you know I am not curious — I have serious business

with your master. Could you not, by a little bit of a word

— you who speak so well — give me to understand — one

syllable, only — I will guess the rest.”

“Upon my word, monsieur, I cannot. I am quite ignorant where

monsieur le comte is gone. As to listening at doors, that is

contrary to my nature; and besides it is forbidden here.”

“My dear fellow,” said D’Artagnan, “this is a very bad

beginning for me. Never mind, you know when monsieur le

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre