Ten Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part one

He drew near to the window, resumed his place in the

balcony, and remained there, motionless, annihilated, dead,

till the moment when, the heavens beginning to darken, the

first flambeaux traversed the enlivened street, and gave the

signal for illumination to all the windows of the city.

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Dumas, Alexandre – Ten Years Later



Whilst the unknown was viewing these lights with interest,

and lending an ear to the various noises, Master Cropole

entered his apartment, followed by two attendants, who laid

the cloth for his meal.

The stranger did not pay them the least attention; but

Cropole approaching him respectfully, whispered ” Monsieur,

the diamond has been valued.”

“Ah!” said the traveler. “Well?”

“Well, monsieur, the jeweler of S. A. R. gives two hundred

and eighty pistoles for it.”

“Have you them?”

“I thought it best to take them, monsieur; nevertheless, I

made it a condition of the bargain, that if monsieur wished

to keep his diamond, it should be held till monsieur was

again in funds.”

“Oh, no, not at all; I told you to sell it.”

“Then I have obeyed, or nearly so, since, without having

definitely sold it, I have touched the money.”

“Pay yourself,” added the unknown.

“I will do so, monsieur, since you so positively require


A sad smile passed over the lips of the gentleman.

“Place the money on that trunk,” said he, turning round and

pointing to the piece of furniture.

Cropole deposited a tolerably large bag as directed, after

having taken from it the amount of his reckoning.

“Now,” said he, “I hope monsieur will not give me the pain

of not taking any supper. Dinner has already been refused;

this is affronting to the house of les Medici. Look,

monsieur, the supper is on the table, and I venture to say

that it is not a bad one.”

The unknown asked for a glass of wine, broke off a morsel of

bread, and did not stir from the window whilst he ate and


Shortly after was heard a loud flourish of trumpets; cries

arose in the distance, a confused buzzing filled the lower

part of the city, and the first distinct sound that struck

the ears of the stranger was the tramp of advancing horses.

“The king! the king!” repeated a noisy and eager crowd.

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Dumas, Alexandre – Ten Years Later

“The king!” cried Cropole, abandoning his guest and his

ideas of delicacy, to satisfy his curiosity.

With Cropole were mingled, and jostled, on the staircase,

Madame Cropole, Pittrino, and the waiters and scullions.

The cortege advanced slowly, lighted by a thousand

flambeaux, in the streets and from the windows.

After a company of musketeers, a closely ranked troop of

gentlemen, came the litter of monsieur le cardinal, drawn

like a carriage by four black horses. The pages and people

of the cardinal marched behind.

Next came the carriage of the queen-mother, with her maids

of honor at the doors, her gentlemen on horseback at both


The king then appeared, mounted upon a splendid horse of

Saxon breed, with a flowing mane. The young prince

exhibited, when bowing to some windows from which issued the

most animated acclamations, a noble and handsome

countenance, illumined by the flambeaux of his pages.

By the side of the king, though a little in the rear, the

Prince de Conde, M. Dangeau, and twenty other courtiers,

followed by their people and their baggage, closed this

veritably triumphant march. The pomp was of a military


Some of the courtiers — the elder ones, for instance —

wore traveling dresses; but all the rest were clothed in

warlike panoply. Many wore the gorges and buff coat of the

times of Henry IV. and Louis XIII.

When the king passed before him, the unknown, who had leant

forward over the balcony to obtain a better view, and who

had concealed his face by leaning on his arm, felt his heart

swell and overflow with a bitter jealousy.

The noise of the trumpets excited him — the popular

acclamations deafened him: for a moment he allowed his

reason to be absorbed in this flood of lights, tumult and

brilliant images.

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre