Ten Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part one

should do so more carefully still with twenty. Twenty —

that is a round number; that, besides, reduces the number of

the horses by ten, which is a consideration; and then, with

a good lieutenant — Mordioux! what things patience and

calculation are! Was I not going to embark with forty men,

and I have now reduced them to twenty for an equal success?

Ten thousand livres saved at one stroke, and more safety;

that is well! Now, then, let us see; we have nothing to do

but to find this lieutenant — let him be found, then; and

after — That is not so easy; he must be brave and good, a

second myself. Yes, but a lieutenant must have my secret,

and as that secret is worth a million, and I shall only pay

my man a thousand livres, fifteen hundred at the most, my

man will sell the secret to Monk. Mordioux! no lieutenant.

Besides, this man, were he as mute as a disciple of

Pythagoras, — this man would be sure to have in the troop

some favourite soldier, whom he would make his sergeant, the

sergeant would penetrate the secret of the lieutenant, in

case the latter should be honest and unwilling to sell it.

Then the sergeant, less honest and less ambitious, will give

up the whole for fifty thousand livres. Come, come! that is

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Dumas, Alexandre – Ten Years Later

impossible. The lieutenant is impossible. But then I must

have no fractions; I cannot divide my troop into two, and

act upon two points, at once, without another self, who —

But what is the use of acting upon two points, as we have

only one man to take? What can be the good of weakening a

corps by placing the right here, and the left there? A

single corps — Mordioux! a single one, and that commanded

by D’Artagnan. Very well. But twenty men marching in one

band are suspected by everybody; twenty horsemen must not be

seen marching together, or a company will be detached

against them and the password will be required; the which

company, upon seeing them embarrassed to give it, would

shoot M. d’Artagnan and his men like so many rabbits. I

reduce myself then to ten men; in this fashion I shall act

simply and with unity; I shall be forced to be prudent,

which is half the success in an affair of the kind I am

undertaking; a greater number might, perhaps, have drawn me

into some folly. Ten horses are not many, either to buy or

take. A capital idea; what tranquillity it infuses into my

mind! no more suspicions — no passwords — no more dangers!

Ten men, they are valets or clerks. Ten men, leading ten

horses laden with merchandise of whatever kind, are

tolerated, well received everywhere. Ten men travel on

account of the house of Planchet & Co., of France — nothing

can be said against that. These ten men, clothed like

manufacturers, have a good cutlass or a good musket at their

saddle-bow, and a good pistol in the holster. They never

allow themselves to be uneasy, because they have no evil

designs. They are, perhaps, in truth, a little disposed to

be smugglers, but what harm is in that? Smuggling is not,

like polygamy, a hanging offense. The worst that can happen

to us is the confiscation of our merchandise. Our

merchandise confiscated — fine affair that! Come, come! it

is a superb plan. Ten men only — ten men, whom I will

engage for my service; ten men who shall be as resolute as

forty, who would cost me four times as much, and to whom,

for greater security, I will never open my mouth as to my

designs, and to whom I shall only say, `My friends, there is

a blow to be struck.’ Things being after this fashion, Satan

will be very malicious if he plays me one of his tricks.

Fifteen thousand livres saved — that’s superb — out of


Thus fortified by his laborious calculations, D’Artagnan

stopped at this plan, and determined to change nothing in

it. He had already on a list furnished by his inexhaustible

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre