Ten Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part one

this messenger come?”

“On the part of M. le Prince,” said the maitre d’hotel


Every one knows that the Prince de Conde was so called.

“A messenger from M. le Prince!” said Gaston, with an

inquietude that escaped none of the assistants, and

consequently redoubled the general curiosity.

Monsieur, perhaps, fancied himself brought back again to the

happy times when the opening of a door gave him an emotion,

in which every letter might contain a state secret, — in

which every message was connected with a dark and

complicated intrigue. Perhaps, likewise, that great name of

M. le Prince expanded itself, beneath the roofs of Blois, to

the proportions of a phantom.

Monsieur pushed away his plate.

“Shall I tell the envoy to wait?” asked M. de Saint-Remy.

A glance from Madame emboldened Gaston, who replied: “No,

no! let him come in at once, on the contrary. A propos, who

is he?”

“A gentleman of this country, M. le Vicomte de Bragelonne.”

“Ah, very well! Introduce him, Saint-Remy — introduce him.”

And when he had let fall these words, with his accustomed

gravity, Monsieur turned his eyes, in a certain manner, upon

the people of his suite, so that all, pages, officers, and

equerries, quitted the service, knives and goblets, and made

towards the second chamber a retreat as rapid as it was


This little army had dispersed in two files when Raoul de

Bragelonne, preceded by M. de Saint-Remy, entered the


The short interval of solitude which this retreat had left

him, permitted Monsieur the time to assume a diplomatic

countenance. He did not turn round, but waited till the

maitre d’hotel should bring the messenger face to face with


Raoul stopped even with the lower end of the table, so as to

be exactly between Monsieur and Madame. From this place he

made a profound bow to Monsieur and a very humble one to

Madame; then, drawing himself up into military pose, he

waited for Monsieur to address him.

On his part the Prince waited till the doors were

hermetically closed; he would not turn round to ascertain

the fact, as that would have been derogatory to his dignity,

but he listened with all his ears for the noise of the lock,

which would promise him at least an appearance of secrecy.

The doors being closed, Monsieur raised his eyes towards the

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Dumas, Alexandre – Ten Years Later

vicomte, and said, “It appears that you come from Paris,


“This minute, monseigneur.”

“How is the king?”

“His majesty is in perfect health, monseigneur.”

“And my sister-in-law?”

“Her majesty the queen-mother still suffers from the

complaint in her chest, but for the last month she has been

rather better.”

“Somebody told me you came on the part of M. le Prince. They

must have been mistaken, surely?”

“No, monseigneur; M. le Prince has charged me to convey this

letter to your royal highness, and I am to wait for an

answer to it.”

Raoul had been a little annoyed by this cold and cautious

reception, and his voice insensibly sank to a low key.

The prince forgot that he was the cause of this apparent

mystery, and his fears returned.

He received the letter from the Prince de Conde with a

haggard look, unsealed it as he would have unsealed a

suspicious packet, and in order to read it so that no one

should remark the effects of it upon his countenance, he

turned round.

Madame followed, with an anxiety almost equal to that of the

prince, every maneuver of her august husband.

Raoul, impassible, and a little disengaged by the attention

of his hosts, looked from his place through the open window

at the gardens and the statues which peopled them.

“Well!” cried Monsieur, all at once, with a cheerful smile;

“here is an agreeable surprise, and a charming letter from

M. le Prince. Look, Madame!”

The table was too large to allow the arm of the prince to

reach the hand of Madame; Raoul sprang forward to be their

intermediary, and did it with so good a grace as to procure

a flattering acknowledgment from the princess.

“You know the contents of this letter, no doubt?” said

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre