Ten Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part one

Dumas, Alexandre – Ten Years Later

among my friends. With which purpose I sign these presents.

— D’Artagnan.

Planchet appeared very curious to know what D’Artagnan had


“Here,” said the musketeer, “read it”

On reading the last lines the tears came into Planchet’s

eyes. “You think, then, that I would not have given the

money without that? Then I will have none of your five

thousand francs.”

D’Artagnan smiled. “Accept it, accept it, Planchet; and in

that way you will only lose fifteen thousand francs instead

of twenty thousand, and you will not be tempted to disregard

the signature of your master and friend, by losing nothing

at all.”

How well that dear Monsieur d’Artagnan knew the hearts of

men and grocers! They who have pronounced Don Quixote mad

because he rode out to the conquest of an empire with nobody

but Sancho, his squire, and they who have pronounced Sancho

mad because he accompanied his master in his attempt to

conquer the said empire, — they certainly will have no

hesitation in extending the same judgment to D’Artagnan and

Planchet. And yet the first passed for one of the most

subtle spirits among the astute spirits of the court of

France. As to the second, he had acquired by good right the

reputation of having one of the longest heads among the

grocers of the Rue des Lombards; consequently of Paris, and

consequently of France. Now, to consider these two men from

the point of view from which you would consider other men,

and the means by the aid of which they contemplated to

restore a monarch to his throne, compared with other means,

the shallowest brains of the country where brains are most

shallow must have revolted against the presumptuous madness

of the lieutenant and the stupidity of his associate.

Fortunately, D’Artagnan was not a man to listen to the idle

talk of those around him, or to the comments that were made

on himself. He had adopted the motto, “Act well, and let

people talk.” Planchet on his part, had adopted this, “Act

and say nothing.” It resulted from this, that, according to

the custom of all superior geniuses, these two men flattered

themselves intra pectus, with being in the right against all

who found fault with them.

As a beginning, D’Artagnan set out in the finest of possible

weather, without a cloud in the heavens — without a cloud

on his mind, joyous and strong, calm and decided, great in

his resolution, and consequently carrying with him a tenfold

dose of that potent fluid which the shocks of mind cause to

spring from the nerves, and which procure for the human

machine a force and an influence of which future ages will

render, according to all probability, a more arithmetical

account than we can possibly do at present. He was again, as

in times past, on that same road of adventures which had led

him to Boulogne, and which he was now traveling for the

fourth time. It appeared to him that he could almost

recognize the trace of his own steps upon the road, and that

of his first upon the doors of the hostelries; — his

memory, always active and present, brought back that youth

which neither thirty years later his great heart nor his

wrist of steel would have belied. What a rich nature was

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Dumas, Alexandre – Ten Years Later

that of this man! He had all the passions, all the defects,

all the weaknesses, and the spirit of contradiction familiar

to his understanding changed all these imperfections into

corresponding qualities. D’Artagnan, thanks to his ever

active imagination, was afraid of a shadow; and ashamed of

being afraid, he marched straight up to that shadow, and

then became extravagant in his bravery if the danger proved

to be real. Thus everything in him was emotion, and

therefore enjoyment. He loved the society of others, but

never became tired of his own; and more than once, if he

could have been heard when he was alone, he might have been

seen laughing at the jokes he related to himself or the

tricks his imagination created just five minutes before

ennui might have been looked for. D’Artagnan was not perhaps

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre