Ten Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part one

Dumas, Alexandre – Ten Years Later

Raoul followed the well-known road, so dear to his memory,

which led from Blois to the residence of the Comte de la


The reader will dispense with a second description of that

habitation: he, perhaps, has been with us there before, and

knows it. Only, since our last journey thither, the walls

had taken a grayer tint, and the brickwork assumed a more

harmonious copper tone; the trees had grown, and many that

then only stretched their slender branches along the tops of

the hedges, now bushy, strong, and luxuriant, cast around,

beneath boughs swollen with sap, great shadows of blossoms

of fruit for the benefit of the traveler.

Raoul perceived, from a distance, the two little turrets,

the dove-cote in the elms, and the flights of pigeons, which

wheeled incessantly around that brick cone, seemingly

without power to quit it, like the sweet memories which

hover round a spirit at peace.

As he approached, he heard the noise of the pulleys which

grated under the weight of the massy pails; he also fancied

he heard the melancholy moaning of the water which falls

back again into the wells — a sad, funereal, solemn sound,

which strikes the ear of the child and the poet — both

dreamers — which the English call splash; Arabian poets,

gasgachau; and which we Frenchmen, who would be poets, can

only translate by a paraphrase — the noise of water falling

into water.

It was more than a year since Raoul had been to visit his

father. He had passed the whole time in the household of M.

le Prince. In fact, after all the commotions of the Fronde,

of the early period of which we formerly attempted to give a

sketch, Louis de Conde had made a public, solemn, and frank

reconciliation with the court. During all the time that the

rupture between the king and the prince had lasted, the

prince, who had long entertained a great regard for

Bragelonne, had in vain offered him advantages of the most

dazzling kind for a young man. The Comte de la Fere, still

faithful to his principles of loyalty and royalty, one day

developed before his son in the vaults of Saint Denis, —

the Comte de la Fere, in the name of his son, had always

declined them. Moreover, instead of following M. de Conde in

his rebellion, the vicomte had followed M. de Turenne,

fighting for the king. Then when M. de Turenne, in his turn,

had appeared to abandon the royal cause, he had quitted M.

de Turenne, as he had quitted M. de Conde. It resulted from

this invariable line of conduct that, as Conde and Turenne

had never been conquerors of each other but under the

standard of the king, Raoul, however young, had ten

victories inscribed on his list of services, and not one

defeat from which his bravery or conscience had to suffer.

Raoul, therefore, had, in compliance with the wish of his

father, served obstinately and passively the fortunes of

Louis XIV., in spite of the tergiversations which were

endemic, and, it might be said, inevitable, at that period.

M. de Conde, on being restored to favor, had at once availed

himself of all the privileges of the amnesty to ask for many

things back again which had been granted him before, and

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Dumas, Alexandre – Ten Years Later

among others, Raoul. M. de la Fere, with his invariable good

sense, had immediately sent him again to the prince.

A year, then, had passed away since the separation of the

father and son; a few letters had softened, but not removed,

the pains of absence. We have seen that Raoul had left at

Blois another love in addition to filial love. But let us do

him this justice — if it had not been for chance and

Mademoiselle de Montalais, two great temptations, Raoul,

after delivering his message, would have galloped off

towards his father’s house, turning his head round, perhaps,

but without stopping for a single instant, even if Louise

had held out her arms to him.

So the first part of the journey was given by Raoul to

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre