The War of the Lance by Weis, Margaret


“Bring him to the altar!” Stel commanded.

The draconians dragged Vandor Grizt across the wet

deck to the odd-looking bowl that Stel had identified as an


“Master Stel, surely I am not a proper sacrifice!”

Vandor protested. “Have you considered that I am hardly a

worthwhile present to be given to one so illustrious as

beautiful, wondrous Zeboim!”

“Silence the buffoon,” the cleric muttered in a voice

much less commanding than normal. Stel’s dark eyes

turned on the dreadwolf that had been guarding Vandor.

At the silent command, the undead animal joined its

master. Prefect Stel returned his attention to the prisoner.

“Hold out his arm. The left one.”

Vandor struggled, but his strength was nothing

compared to that of the draconians.

The servant of Chemosh removed a twisted,

bejewelled dagger from within his robe. Vandor Grizt

recognized it – a sacrificial knife. He had even sold a few.

None had ever been so intricate in detail … or looked so

deadly in purpose.

Stel brought the dagger down lightly on Grizt’s

outstretched arm. The tip of the blade pricked his skin and

drew blood. Muttering under his breath, Stel cut a tiny slit

in his captive’s forearm. It was painful, to be sure, but

Vandor had suffered far more pain at the hands of city

guards. A tiny trail of blood dripped slowly down the side

of his arm and into the round interior of the altar bowl.

The blood struck the bottom and sizzled away with a hiss.

The metal began to radiate heat. Vandor swallowed,

fearing what would happen if his flesh touched the hot


Removing the blood-covered blade, Stel looked down

at the dreadwolf, which stared back with sightless, dead


The cleric turned to face the sea. “Zeboim, you who are

also known as the Sea Queen, hear me! I give you some

thing of great value, something that will prove my humble

respect for your power! I give you a part of me!” The

black cleric drove the dagger into the skull of his pet, not

ceasing until the hilt was touching the bone.

The wolf howled in fierce pain and anger. Several of

the minotaur crewmen looked their way. Vandor Grizt

pulled his arm back from the hot metal. The two

draconians had loosened their hold on him in their shock

over the cleric’s act.

The servant of Chemosh removed the dagger from

the head of his dreadwolf. The monstrosity collapsed the

moment the blade was no longer touching it. The dead

creature crumbled, becoming ash in the space of a few

breaths. Vandor Grizt, looking up at his captor, saw the

cleric’s hands shake. Prefect Stel gave all the appearances

of a man who has just cut off his own hand.

A muttering rose among the minotaurs. The stomping

of heavy feet warned Vandor and his captors that Captain

Kruug was returning.

“Prefect Stel! What in the name of Sargonnas have

you done now? I will not risk my ship in this venture any

more, threats or no – ”

Stel raised his free hand and silenced the captain. He

looked out at the sea in expectation.

For a short time, Vandor Grizt, like the rest, saw

nothing out of the ordinary. The sea was calm and the

storm clouds near motionless. The Blood Sea was as calm

as a sleeping child.

Then it struck Vandor that THIS was out of ordinary.

The sea had calmed, the storm had ceased . . . with a

suddenness that could only be called DIVINE in nature.

“Shinare . . .” Vandor whispered, once more wishing

he had been just a little more consistent with his praying.

Moving a bit unsteadily, Prefect Stel turned on the sea

captain. “You were about to say, Kruug?”

It is not often that a minotaur can be taken aback by

events, but Kruug was. The beastman swallowed hard and

stared at the cleric with awe and not a little fear.

“I thought as much.” Stel said, evilly smiling. “We are

almost over the exact location, captain. I suggest you and

your crew bring us to as dead a stop as you can.”

“Aye,” Kruug replied, nodding all the while. He

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Categories: Weis, Margaret