The War of the Lance by Weis, Margaret

glistening in the sunlight, but not melting in the cool spring air, Laurana

and Quallathon settled to earth. The other golds and brass dragons also

dropped, landing on the rocky riverbed. The bronze dragons circled

overhead, watchful for any interference from the dragonarmies.

Again the Golden General turned the breath of her dragons onto the

River Vingaard – but this time in the form of heat. Explosive fireballs

belched forth from the golds; from the brass came blistering waves of

scorching wind. The searing breath weapons swept across the frozen

surface, assailing with arcane heat the same waters that had earlier

suffered the onslaught of cold.

With convulsive force the great sheets of ice cracked and splintered,

shifting and breaking under the rapid change of temperature. Huge

chunks broke free, white mountains tumbled into the surging water. With

a rush, the dam broke away. The waters of the Vingaard thundered forth,

many times more powerful than they had been even at the height of the

spring flood.


The huge, newly-formed lake roared through its new outlet, carrying

massive pieces of ice, like jagged daggers, in the forefront of the

advancing tide. Rocks that had rested in the river bed for a century ripped

free in the space of a minute, rumbling along with the flow like great

engines of war.

Above the water flew the dragons of gold, brass, and bronze. They

soared northward now, racing the torrent – but only barely matching it in

speed. Thus, both the waters and the good dragons reached Margaard

Ford at the same time, little more than two hours after the dam had


Nevertheless, according to Gilthanas, the situation stood at the brink

of disaster. His silvers still wheeled in the sky, forced back from the fight

– and sadly reduced in numbers. He had all but given up hope of victory,

when he saw the glint of sunlight on gilded wings.

Laurana’s mighty gold. dragons bellowed a challenge, echoed by a

hundred throats of gold and brass and bronze. And below the wings of

gleaming metal surged a maelstrom of frothing white, capped by the

icebergs and boulders.

The waters swept through Margaard Ford with all the impact of a

tidal wave, drowning and crushing the enemy troops trapped there. At the

same time, the dragons of Laurana and Gilthanas tore into the blues and

reds. The evil serpents fought desperately, but the vengeful attackers

swiftly slashed the enemy from the skies in the greatest aerial melee of

the war. By my calculations, Excellency, it seems likely that nearly four

hundred dragons fought in the air over Margaard Ford!

It is worth noting, Excellency, that Bakaris himself was taken captive

in this airborne clash. He ended the fight clinging for his life to the mane

of a bronze dragon after his own mount had fallen. It was the famed hill

dwarf Flint Fireforge, together with his squire, who rode the bronze.

This was Fireforge’s last flight on dragonback. He vowed

everafter to keep his boots firmly on the ground.

The waters of the Vingaard slowly settled to their

normal levels. We’ll never know how many bodies they

carried along their route to Kalaman and the sea. The few

surviving troops belonged to the Blue Wing, and they

hastened back to Dargaard Keep, where the Dark Lady

still held her fortress.

The last of the dragonarmies had been driven from the

plains, and Laurana slowed the pace of her march

somewhat, to rest her weary army as it at last approached

long-forsaken Kalaman. That city had endured a bleak

winter of isolation and siege, and so it was only proper

that their liberator and heroine should pass through the

city gates to commence the Festival of Spring Dawning.

That event concludes the tale of the Vingaard

Campaign. I hope Your Grace will forgive the addition of

several of my conclusions that, I feel certain, can be

comfortably established within the boundaries of


It is interesting to note that the Dark Lady, Highlord

Kitiara, was sentenced to death by Lord Ariakus for her

failures in this campaign. When he arrived at Dargaard to

carry out the sentence, however, Kitiara was able to

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Categories: Weis, Margaret