The War of the Lance by Weis, Margaret

his face that began to fade as the knight approached.

“Oh, no,” said the kender firmly, clutching the sword

to his bosom. “Finders keepers. You obviously didn’t

want this anymore.”

“Raist! Don’t listen to them!” Caramon staggered to

his feet. TOO LATE, he thought. His brother was walking

toward the dead wizard, who was extending a bony hand

for the glowing staff.

The chill fingers were nearly touching it when Raistlin

suddenly turned the staff horizontally and held it out

before him. The crystal’s light flared, the dead wizard

sprang back from the frail barrier as though it had scalded


“I will not join your fight, for it is an eternal fight!”

Raistlin raised his voice above the clamoring. “A fight that

can never be won.”

At this, the dead ceased their calling. A brooding

silence descended in the hall. Gawain ceased to threaten

the kender and turned around. Earwig, suddenly losing

interest in the sword, let it fall to the floor and hopped

forward to see what was going on. Caramon rubbed his

aching jaw and watched warily, ready to leap to his

brother’s defense.

Leaning on his staff, whose crystal seemed to shine

more brightly in the chill darkness, Raistlin walked

forward until he stood in the center of the hall. He looked

first at the knight – the rotting, decaying face beneath a

battered helm, a bony hand clutching a rusting sword. The

young mage turned his golden-eyed gaze to the wizard –

red robes, torn and slashed by sword thrusts, covering a

body that had for centuries been denied the peace of


Then Raistlin, lifting his head, stared up into the

darkness. “I would talk with the maiden,” he called.

The figure of a young woman materialized out of the

night and came to stand before the mage. She was fair-

haired and pretty, with an oval face, rich brown hair, and

blue eyes that were bright and spirited. So lovely was she,

and so warm and seemingly alive, that it took some

moments before Caramon realized she was long-since


“YOU are the one who called down the curse, are you

not?” asked Raistlin.

“Yes,” the maiden answered in a voice cold as the

end of the world. “Which side do you choose, mage? Here

stands pride” – she gestured toward the knight – “and here

stands pride” – she gestured toward the mage. “Which will

you choose? Not that it much matters.”

“I fight for neither,” said Raistlin. “I do not choose

pride. I choose,” he paused, then said gently, “I choose


Darkness crashed down upon them with the weight

and force of an avalanche, quenching even the magical

light of the staff.

“Wow!” came the awed voice of the kender.

Caramon blinked and peered around, trying to see

through the blackness, which was thick and impenetrable

as solid stone. The ghostly armies were gone.

“Raistlin?” he called, panicked.

“I am here, my brother. Hush. Keep silent.”

Feeling a hand grasp his shoulder, Caramon reached

out and touched a warm human arm.

“Gawain?” he whispered.

“Yes,” said the knight in strained tones. “What is

happening? I don’t trust that mage! He’ll get us killed.”

“So far it seems to me he’s done a good job of

keeping us alive,” said Caramon grimly. “Look!”

“SHIRAK,” said Raistlin and the crystal’s light

beamed brightly. Standing in front of Raistlin, illuminated

by his staff, was the young woman.

“You have broken the curse, young mage,” said the

spirit. “Is there anything you would ask of me before I go

to my long-awaited rest?”

“Tell us your story,” said Raistlin. “According to the

legend, the mage carried you off by force.”

“Of course, that is what they have said, who never

bothered to seek the truth!” said the spirit scornfully.

“And their words were fuel to the fire of my curse. The

truth is that the mage and I loved each other. My father, a

Knight of Solamnia, forbade me to marry a wizard. He

betrothed me to another knight, one whom I did not love.

The mage and I ran off together. I left of my own free will

to be with the man I loved. The knight followed us and

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Categories: Weis, Margaret