The War of the Lance by Weis, Margaret

had landed, exhausted, near a clump of brush. He leaped

onto the creature’s wing and felled the rider, a knight, with

one blow of his great sword. Others of his company

rushed at the dragon, and when the wyrm reared back,

Kadagh plunged his blade into the base of its skull.

(This tale is more than mere ogre boasting, Your

Grace. Gilthanas witnessed the entire incident. Silvara

immediately pounced on the ogre, crushing him to earth

and felling the rest of his company with a blast of her icy

breath. So impressed were the elves with the ogre’s valor,

however, that they later returned him as a prisoner to

Laurana’s camp.)

The knights sought and slaughtered the monsters of

the Green Wing for the rest of that grim and bloody day

until the tattered remnants of the force finally slipped into

the wilderness of the Dargaard Mountains.

It is interesting to note, Your Grace, that by dint of this

tactic, Laurana left her own ground forces open to the

same kind of attack by the blue dragons in Dargaard. She

was bold enough to gamble (correctly, it turned out) that

Kitiara was still too chastened by her defeat at the High

Clerist’s Tower to risk sending her most powerful forces

into a possible trap.

After the Battle of Throtl, Laurana once again divided

her army. She sent many of the dragons – all of the brass

and bronze, with some of the copper – to guard the portion

of her army that marched on the ground. The other

dragons scattered across the plain, to all points of the

compass, seeking the dragonarmies. Laurana knew that

elements of the White Wing lay somewhere to the south,

but she had no clue as to the location of the mighty Red


And still there was the presence of Ariakus’s huge

reserve wing, vanished since it had departed Sanction.

Laurana dispatched a pair of the precious silver dragons

toward that glowering seaport, determined to learn what

she would about the reserve army’s location.

When the scouting dragons discovered forces of the

Dark Queen, they were to report the location of those

troops to the Golden General. Under no circumstances

were they to precipitate an attack. I surmise, Excellency,

that these dragons performed the reconnaissances in the

guise of soaring birds of prey. At least, the records of the

dragonarmies show no sign that they knew they were

under observation – and Laurana’s assignment of the

scouting to the golds, silvers, and coppers indicates a

preference for those dragons who could polymorph

themselves into the bodies of different creatures. And

what better than a hawk or eagle, symbolically patrolling

over the plains?

The soaring spies first spotted the strong contingent

of the White Wing, larger than the Throtl Legion and

including many sivak draconians (the only draconian, as

Your Grace well knows, capable of true flight).

Dragonarmy records show that this force had been ordered

northward by Ariakus himself more than a week earlier.

(After the battle at the Clerist’s tower, the emperor had

anticipated the need for additional forces in the plains, and

issued the necessary orders.)

The White Wing was discovered by none other than

Silvara, herself, as the great silver dragon flew a

southwestward arc in her search. The force had just

crossed the Dargaard River, and marched northward along

the east bank of the Vingaard, placing it squarely across

Laurana’s line of retreat. The river here flows through the

rock-carved channel noted by Markham – a gorge that is

some twenty miles long.

(Silvara flew alone on this scouting mission. I submit,

Your Grace, that the absence of Gilthanas from her back

supports the idea that she flew in the body of a bird, rather

than as a dragon.)

Laurana’s response to the information was immediate

and bold: she reversed her army’s line of advance and

urged the troops into a forced march straight into the

advancing White Wing. Each scouting dragon, as it

returned from its patrol, rejoined the army, until the

Golden General again held all her dragons close to the

body of the force. Within twenty-four hours, the Army of

Solamnia was massed and focused on a single line of

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Categories: Weis, Margaret