The War of the Lance by Weis, Margaret

rocks, some of the serpents slipping into the water and

splashing back into the air after being swept far

downstream. Finally, some perched on the wave-swept

crests of stone, others crouched on the rocky banks. Their

long necks stretched downward to the water, the great

serpents awaited the further commands of their Golden


“Laurana gave the order. The silver dragons breathed

upon the waters; their maws gaping wide, their lungs

pulsing with the most potent and deadly of a silver

serpent’s horrific attacks: a blast of icy frost that casts its

chilling grip across everything that lies in its path and

magically penetrates the target, sapping every vestige of

heat. It is an attack that will drive life from mortal limbs,

kill fragile leaves even as the force of the blast shatters the

brittle rock into frosty dust. It will turn water, instantly, to


“Once and then again, each dragon expelled his

powerful breath. The Vingaard River froze solid in its bed.

A belt of ice, extending to the bottom and anchored firmly

in the great rocks of the river bed, dammed the river’s

flow. As the pressure of surging water rose, waves poured

over the top of the frozen barrier and the dragons breathed

again, building the ice dam higher and higher.

“The channel behind this bottleneck was much wider

than the choke-point, and much deeper. The waters of the

Vingaard gathered there, swirling and tossing, surging

over their banks and spreading outward. Although the lake

thus formed expanded steadily, the wall of ice – thickly

built and firmly centered in its frame of granite bedrock –

held back the pressure.

“Below the dam, the mighty Vingaard began to

dwindle to a trickle, seeping between sodden banks. Fifty

miles north of the Narrows, downstream of the dam, the

Army of Solamnia reached Margaard Ford at nightfall, to

find the water still too high to cross safely.

“That night the brass dragons returned with word: the

dragonarmies were on the march. The Red and Blue

Wings had joined forces with the powerful reserve wing,

which must have been marching northward from Sanction

for weeks, concealed by the crest of the Dargaard

Mountains and the clouds beyond.”

Indeed, Excellency, we know from dragonarmy

records that Ariakus had put the formation into action

weeks before – even preceding the defeat at the High

Clerist’s Tower. Although initially the Emperor himself

commanded this formation, by this time in the campaign,

command had been turned over to General Bakaris.

Now the entire force advanced under a swarming

flock of blue and red dragons – the mightiest of evil

dragonkind – bound to destroy the Army of Solamnia. To

the captains of the knights, who received these reports

with their backs to an apparently impassable ford, the

news must have seemed dire, indeed.

Nevertheless, the Golden General met her captains there

and told them they would cross in the morning. We have

no record of their reactions, but surely any misgivings

they held faded away as the river level fell steadily during

the night. By dawn, the ford was a collection of puddles

spotting a smooth, gravelly path. The Army of Solamnia

marched across it in a matter of hours, while copper

dragons kept watch over the advancing wings of the


The spying copper dragons dived and circled on the

horizon, evading the blues and reds that frequently soared

out to drive them away. Finally, Bakaris realized that such

futile skirmishes only tired his dragons needlessly. He

decided to conserve their strength and allow his enemies

to maintain their airborne spies in peace.

Bakaris managed to avoid the mistakes of the other

commanders who had thus far faced the Golden General.

He maintained the concentration of his forces during the

advance, refusing to be distracted by anything except his

goal: the Army of Solamnia. He marched with

considerable speed, making record time for even the

normally fast-moving draconian forces. And he wasted no

time deploying for battle when the enemy was at last


His skill, determination and, of course, the size of his

force, made him a very dangerous opponent. He drew

close to Laurana’s army with shocking speed. By dawn,

the morning after the Army of Solamnia had crossed the

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Categories: Weis, Margaret