The War of the Lance by Weis, Margaret

during his nap, a whole new rockfall seemed to have

filled about half of the cavern. Huge slabs of stone had

crashed down from above, and torrents of gravel with

them. He peered here and there, then found the speaker: a

big, angry green eye stared back at him from the depths of

a crevice among the stone.

“Who that?” Glitch asked, backing hastily away.

“Verden Leafglow, you little imbecile!” The crackling

voice subsided into a rasp of resignation. “I’m ready to

make a deal.”

“What kin’ deal?” He hugged the cavern wall, ready to

flee at an instant.

“I’m trapped here,” the dragon voice admitted. “The

hill fell in on me, and I can’t move.” The statement wasn’t

entirely true. She knew she could fight free if she had to,

but the effort it would take to get loose – in her condition –

might kill her. “I need help,” she said.

The Highbulp relaxed slightly. “What kin’ help?”

“The same thing I needed before!” the answer was

almost a roar of aggravation. Then the dragon sighed and

lowered her voice. “My self-stone. I told you about my

self-stone. Remember?”

It took a bit of head-scratching, but then the Highbulp

remembered. “Little stone? ‘Bout this big? Special stone?”

“That’s the one. I need it, and I need you and your . . .

your people to find it for me.”

The Highbulp scowled in deep thought, scuffing the

ground with his toe. Then his eyes lighted with a shrewd

look. “What in it for me?” he asked.

The deep growl that seeped through the fallen stone

mixed irritation and controlled rage, but Verden held

herself in check. She was trapped, but not helpless. It

would be the work of a moment to free a claw and rend

the arrogant little nuisance to shreds. But that wouldn’t

solve her problem. “What do you want?” she asked.


When the rest of his tribe found him – right where they

had left him – Glitch I, Highbulp Etc., was sitting on a

rock in the rockfall cavern, his chin resting on his

knuckles. At first, he seemed to be deep in thought; then

the other dwarves noticed that he was asleep.

They gathered around him, curious. Old Gandy

walked around him, then prodded him with his mop

handle staff to get his attention. “What Highbulp doin’?”

he asked.

Glitch blinked, raised his head and looked around.


“Why Highbulp sittin’ here?”

“Thinkin’,” Glitch said, irritated at being awakened.

“Highbulp doin’ big think.”

“Soun’ ‘sleep, thinkin’? Think ’bout what?”

Glitch scratched his head, trying to remember what he

had been thinking about. From the shadowed rockfall

beyond, a voice thin with exasperation said, “He’s trying

to decide what he wants from me.”

The voice so startled the gully dwarves that several of

them tripped over others, and for a moment the place was

a tumble of confusion. Then Gandy stooped to look under

the rocks. “Dragon? That still you?”

“It’s still me,” Verden Leaf glow assured him. “I can’t

believe that little oaf went to sleep. I thought he was


“Highbulp always go to sleep, when try to think,”

Gandy explained. “Think about what?”

“I am prepared to offer you stinking little . . . you

people . . . something that you want, in return for delivery

of my self-stone. SO WHAT IN THE NAME OF THE


Gully dwarves tumbled about again, some diving for

cover, some running for the exit. With a hiss, Verden

exhaled a jet of noxious vapor – just a small stream, but

aimed directly at the exit tunnel. Gully dwarves darting

into the mist recoiled, gasping and coughing, tumbling

backward as the green fumes assailed them. “No running

away!” Verden commanded. “We are going to settle this,

here and now! Tell me what you idiots want.”

The Grand Notioner looked around him, puzzled.

“Want? Dunno. Anybody know what we want?”

“Stew,” several offered. “Out,” a few others said.

“Rats?” someone wondered.

“Make up your minds,” the dragon hissed.

“We find self-stone, give to you, you give us

somethin’?” Gandy pressed, trying to get it clear.


“What you give us?”

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Categories: Weis, Margaret