The War of the Lance by Weis, Margaret

Kali met the pair at the door and Oster presented the

gnome with a small package containing the herbs and

other items they had gathered from the wild. At his side he

had another, larger bundle. The human gave Kali a small,

almost embarrassed smile, but all eyes were on Archie,

who was gesticulating wildly.

“It was wonderful,” cried Archie, noticing Kali for the

first time. “The lad, er, the human Oster was magnificent 1

We were in the Smoking Vale two miles from here when

suddenly we startled a wyrm of some type. A true

monster, straight from the pits, with the legs of a pill-bug

and the hunger of a bear and fangs twice as long as my


“It was a behir,” Oster said softly, his ears tinged with

red, “and a small one at that.”

Archie hurtled on without stopping to note the

interruption. “I would have been dinner on a plate, but

Oster – Oster the Brave – mind you, threw me out of the

way of certain death.”

“I, ah, knocked him over when I turned to run,” Oster

corrected, the glow spreading to his cheeks and increasing

in intensity with each moment.

“Then brave Oster, armed with only with a sharpened

rock, caught the beast’s attention. It lunged at him” And

here Archie did his best imitation of a serpent lunging

forward, such that some of the gathered gnomes backed up

a few paces. “And he pulled the side of the mountain

down on the beast, killing it!”

“I tried to scramble up the cliff out of its path, and

brought down an avalanche. Nearly buried us all.” Oster’s

voice had grown quiet now as he saw that most of the

gnomes liked Archie’s recollection of events better than


Archie rolled on like a perpetual motion machine.

“The beast was mortally wounded, and tried to turn on us.

Oster took a mighty boulder and smashed it until it was no


“Well, I… It wasn’t that big of a … well … I guess …”

Oster shrugged his shoulders. Had he known that in

gnomish discussions silence meant agreement, he would

probably have protested his innocence of heroism a while

longer. But he did not know, so he did not protest – which

was as good as admitting it.

Archie motioned for the sack. “And we found all

manner of gems and magic in the creature’s lair.”

The gnomes naturally demanded to see the treasure,

and so Oster pulled from the larger bag one item after

another. Fistfuls of gems, long strings of pearls, and a set

of plate mail of a golden hue, topped by a wondrous helm

of similar color, ringed with gems. Finally he drew forth a

scabbard and a copper-colored blade from the bag.

News of Oster’s prowess (and his treasure) spread about

the community quickly, and a number of gnomes came to

surrender all over again to Oster (or rather, the Hero Oster,

as he was now known). Archie had to tell his tale a second

and a third time, and the hero’s mighty attacks became

mightier with every telling. Oster soon gave up trying to

correct all the minor differences between Archie’s version

and his, and seemed to enjoy the attention.

Oster gave the bulk of the jewels to Archie, and the

gem-stones to Kali. The mail, copper sword, and helm he

kept for himself, as they were all man-size, and Oster was

the only being currently awake in the community who

matched the description.

At the insistence of the gnomes, he put on the armor,

though he had to let out the chains on the side plates to

their maximum length. With the helm down over his face,

he looked like a clockwork figure or automaton, and the

name Oster the Clockwork Hero went down in many

journals that night.

It was only when Oster had finished displaying and

giving away his booty and Archie had finished describing

(for the fifth time) the masterful strokes that the

Clockwork Hero has delivered against the hordes of

serpent creatures that the trio went back into the house.

Oster let out a gasp of shock when he saw the drawing

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Categories: Weis, Margaret