The War of the Lance by Weis, Margaret

parents had lived years ago before fever took them. I

worked on my uncle’s farm and maintained the wagons for

his trading business, which suffered more than a bit with

the obnoxious hobgoblins around.

Three nights ago, the hobgoblins killed their first

humans. Laughing Garayn and brooding Klart had been

walking back from an evening in town when they were

shot dead with crossbows. A hobgoblin dagger was found

in one of the bodies. I watched as my neighbors wrapped

my cousins for burial, then I went to my uncle and said I

would be leaving for a few days.

“Family business,” I said.

“Don’t do anything foolish, my boy,” my uncle urged.

He was a big man with a pouchy face, hook nose, and

receding hairline. Twisting Creek had been lucky enough

not to be sacked and burned during the War of the Lance,

ended just two years ago, and my uncle’s business had

survived. But now his two sons had been taken away from

him, his life permanently scarred by the bad elements still

roaming the land. “You’re all I got left, Evredd.”

“What I do,” I said tersely, “won’t be foolish.” His eyes

glazed over. His hands moved around the valuables on

his desk, touching them reassuringly. Tears squeezed

from his eyes.

“There’s been killing enough,” my uncle pleaded.

“Let it go.”

Needless to say, I didn’t listen to him. My uncle had

been absorbed in his business lately, locking himself in

his study with his ledgers and cursing the hobgoblins’

effect on trade, and now this. He seemed like a destroyed


I left town at dawn, taking food, my sword, and little

else. I knew where part of the hobgoblins’ old trails

usually went, so I followed that course until a regular path

appeared, six miles outside of town. The tracks stood out

as if they had been laid down by a small army instead of a

few raiders loaded down with loot. Two days later, I was


One of the hobgoblins above me belched like a giant

frog croaking, then dropped a metallic cup and cursed.

“S’my damn drink!” he moaned. “S’all spilled!”

The other sentry cleared his throat and spat. “There’s

yer drink,” he said, sniggering. “Put it in yer cup.”

“I’ll give ya somethin’ for YER cup,” muttered the

first, and a rock sailed off the top of the hill, over my head

and about sixty feet past me. I kept quiet in case one went

to look off the cliff. Hobgoblins are a fun-loving race

when it comes to humans. They would have lots of fun

with me, good hobgoblin fun, with whips, knives, hot

irons – the works.

Another rock flew overhead, landing in the grass


“Throw one more, and ol’ Garith’ll set yer dumb ass on

fire,” said a hobgoblin testily.

“Ya godda find ‘im, firs’,” retorted the other. “S’nod

comin’ back. Gonna live like a huuu-man now. Thinks ‘e’s

so good.”

“He’s comin’ back,” snapped the first. “Didn’t I tell

him we wouldn’t wait long ‘fore we began to tear things

up? He knows we’ll cause trouble. Little toad-belly knows

we want action. We got to keep movin’, not sittin’ on ass-

bruises. And you put that rock down or I’ll give you a face

that would scare a blind dwarf.”

After several more minutes of arguing, the hobgoblins

settled down in wine-sodden silence. I decided to move

out again in a bit when the sentries were either dozing or

too groggy from drink and lack of sleep to notice. Then

I’d take them, one by one, the way I’d learned to during

the war. Only the crickets could be heard in the darkness.

I sighed, waiting, fingers on my sword hilt.

Something punched my chest. Pain shot through my

left lung, hurting far worse than anything that had ever

happened to me at Neraka. I looked down, my hands

involuntarily going for the source of the pain, and saw a

short, feathered shaft sticking out of my leather surcoat,

next to my heart. I could tell the arrow had gone right

through me. I was never more surprised to see anything in

my life.

Son of a bitch, I thought, desperately trying not to

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Categories: Weis, Margaret