The War of the Lance by Weis, Margaret


Raising his head, an act that strained to the limit what

few resources he had left, he spat out a grainy mouthful.

Vandor kept his eyes closed. He was not at all certain

he wanted to know where he was. After all, if he were

dead, he might be in the domain of Zeboim … or worse.

Curiosity got the better of him.

All he saw was a beach. Daytime. Brilliant light

nearly blinded him. Closing his eyes, he restarted the

process, allowing himself only a narrow gap of vision at


He allowed that gap to widen when he saw the feet in

front of him. They were not human feet.

“So you survived,” rumbled a horribly familiar voice.

“Some god truly watches over you, human . . .”

Vandor Grizt rolled over, the best he could do at the

moment, and stared at the looming bestial countenance of

Captain Kruug. After a moment, Vandor became aware of

the presence of three other minotaurs, one of whom leaned

heavily on another.

Vandor tried to speak, coughed and spit up sea water.

Kruug snorted. He looked tired. Very tired. “Save

your words, human. I’ve no interest in you. Anyone who

survived that folly . . . and I’m amazed there are any of us

… deserves some peace.” The minotaurs started to turn

away, but the captain held back long enough to add, “If

you’ll take my advice, you’ll go inland. DEEP inland. If I

see your ugly face again, I might remember how I lost my

ship because of you.”

Although he had a somewhat different perspective on

the recent events, Grizt did not think it wise to argue. He

watched in silence as the battered foursome stumbled off.

“You’re lucky, Vandor Grizt,” he said as he lay there

trying to regain enough strength to move on. “The bull-

man must be right: some god does smile on me!” The

thought comforted him. If that was true – and it certainly

seemed so – then it might be a wise time to begin a new


Grizt started to rise, but felt something under his left

hand. He dug the object out of the sand and stared long at


It was the upper portion of Stel’s skull mask – an

eyehole and part of the cheek. Vandor smiled. His

ancestor had bequeathed him a present.

Vandor dropped the battered mask and, finding new

strength, rose to his feet. He looked around and saw that

the minotaurs were still within sight, their pace slowed by

the injured member.

Vandor Grizt ran after them, calling out in order to get

their attention. Kruug turned around, his fists balled tight.

When he saw who it was, his anger was replaced by


“What do you want? I thought I told you – ”

“Please!” Vandor Grizt put up both hands in placation.

“Just a question of directions. That is all I ask. You know

this region much better than I.”

“All right. Where is it you want to go?”

Trying not to sound too anxious, Vandor asked,

“Would you happen to know the way to the nearest temple

of Shinare?”

The Vingaard Campaign

Douglas Niles

FROM the Research of Foryth Teel, Senior Scribe

in the service of Astinus, Master Lorekeeper of Krynn.

Most Gracious Historian, you do me too much honor!

To think of this task – the study of the greatest military

campaign in the post-Cataclysm history of Krynn – and to

realize that you have selected ME to prepare the

documents! I am honored, humbled. But, as always, I shall

endeavor to do my best, so that the truth can be recorded

and saved.

Thank you too, Excellency, for your concern about my

health following my previous mission. My nerves have

settled and the tremors have almost disappeared from my

hands. Also, I am able to sleep for several hours at a time

without suffering the recurrence of nightmares.

As always, a return to my work seems to promise the

most complete cure – and in this assignment, Your Grace,

you could not have provided a more perfect medicine. The

tale of the Vingaard Campaign! The very phrase strikes a

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Categories: Weis, Margaret