The War of the Lance by Weis, Margaret

“I am not ill. I am just tired and chilled to the bone, that is

all.” Reaching out her hand, she drew her son near. “We

have walked a great distance.”

“Walked!” muttered the innkeeper, not liking the

sound of that. He looked more closely at the family’s


Several of the men standing around the fire moved to

one side. Others hurried to draw up a bench, and the

overworked barmaid, ignoring her waiting customers, put

her arm around the woman and helped her to a seat. The

woman sank down limply.

“You’re white as a ghost, milady,” said the barmaid.

“Let me bring you a posset of honey and brandywine.”

“No,” said the man, moving to stand by his wife, the

child clinging to his father. “We have no money to pay for


“Tut, tut. Talk of money later,” said the barmaid

briskly. “Call it my treat.”

“We’ll not take charity!” The man’s voice rose to a

angry shout.

The boy shrank close to his mother, who glanced at

her husband, then lowered her eyes. “Thank you for your

kind offer,” she said to the barmaid, “but I need nothing.

I’m feeling much better already.”

The proprietor, stalking his guests, noted that by

firelight their clothes were not nearly so fine as they had

first seemed. The man’s cloak was frayed at the hem and

travel worn and stained with mud. The woman’s dress was

clean and neat but many times mended. The boy, who

appeared to be about five or six, was clad in shirt and

trousers that had probably once been his father’s, cut down

to fit the boy’s small, thin frame. The proprietor was about

to hint broadly that only those who spent money in his inn

had a right to his fire when he was distracted by a scream

from inside the kitchen.

“Where’s that kender?” the innkeeper cried out in


“Right here!” shouted Earwig eagerly, raising his

hand and waving. “Do you want me?”

The proprietor cast him a baleful glance, then fled.

“Humpf,” said Caramon in an undertone, his eyes on

the woman. She had shoved the hood of her cloak back

with a weary hand, revealing a pale, thin face once

beautiful, now anxious and worn with care and fatigue.

Her arm stole around her son, who was gazing up at her in

concern, and she hugged the boy close. “I wonder when

the last time was those two had anything to eat,” Caramon


“I can ask them,” offered Earwig helpfully. “Hey,

lady, when – Ulp!”

Caramon clamped his hand over the kender’s mouth.

“It’s no concern of yours, my brother,” snapped

Raistlin irritably. “Get that imbecile innkeeper back here

with the hot water!” He began to cough again.

Caramon released the wriggling kender (who had

actually been silent for as long as three minutes on

account of having no breath left with which to talk) and

heaved his great bulk to his feet, peering over the heads of

the crowd for the proprietor. Smoke was rolling out from

under the kitchen door.

“I think he’s going to be a while, Raist,” said Caramon

solemnly. “I’ll get the barmaid.”

He tried to catch the barmaid’s eye, but she was

hovering over the woman.

“I’ll go and fix you a nice cup of tarbean tea, milady. No,

no. It’s all right. There’s no charge for tarbean tea in this

inn. Is there?” she said, flashing a threatening look at the

other customers.

“No, no. No charge. None,” chorused the men in


The cloaked and booted man frowned, but swallowed

whatever words he might have wanted to say.

“Hey, over here!” Caramon shouted, but the barmaid

was still standing in front of the woman, twisting her

apron in her hands.

“Milady,” she began hesitantly, in a low voice, “I’ve

been speaking to cook. We’re that busy tonight we’re

short-handed. It would be a gift of charity, milady, if you

could help us out. It’d be worth a night’s lodging and a


The woman cast a swift and pleading glance up at her


His face was livid. “No wife of a Knight of Solamnia

will work in an inn! We’ll all three starve and go to our

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Categories: Weis, Margaret