The War of the Lance by Weis, Margaret

persuade the Emperor that much of the campaign had

passed according to her “plan.”

It is true that her life was spared, but my own

suspicion is that this is due more to her “friend,” the

Death Knight Lord Soth, than to any lapse in Ariakus’s

judgment. It is hard to imagine the campaign being

viewed by the Emperor as anything but a monstrously

disastrous defeat.

In retrospect, Grand Master Gunthar Uth Wistan’s

appointment of Laurana as the army’s commander stands

clearly vindicated. The Golden General proved capable of

initiative and audacity far beyond what any Knight of

Solamnia could have mustered. In fact, her use of dragon

breath for strategic purposes (damming the river) clearly

shows how she managed to outwit even her battle-

seasoned opponents – no Highlord used the dragons for

any purpose other than a tactical application on the


In conclusion, Lauralanthalasa of Qualinesti must

clearly stand alongside Kith-Kanan, Vinas Solamnus, and

Huma himself as one of the greatest generals of Krynn.

In gratitude, I shall remain heretofore,

Foryth Teel, Senior Scribe of Astinus

The Story That Tasslehoff Promised He Would Never, Ever, Ever Tell

Margaret Weis AND Tracy Hickman


So I guess you’re wondering why I’m telling you

this, since I promised not to. I’m sure Tanis wouldn’t mind,

seeing that it’s you. I mean, you’ve heard the other stories,

all about the War of the Lance and the Heroes of the

Lance (of which I, Tasslehoff Burrfoot, am one) and how

ten years ago we defeated the Dark Queen and her

dragons. This is just one more story, one that never was

told. As to why it was never told, you’ll find that out when

I get around to the part about promising Fizban.

It all began about a month ago. I was traveling up the

Vingaard River, heading for Dargaard Keep. You’ve heard

the stories about Dargaard Keep, how it’s cursed and Lord

Soth is supposed to haunt it. I hadn’t seen Lord Soth in a

while – he’s a death knight and while we’re not exactly

friends, he is what you might call a close personal

acquaintance. I was thinking about him one night and how

he very nearly killed me once. (I don’t harbor a grudge;

death knights have to do these things, you see.) And it

occurred to me that he might be bored, what with having

nothing to do for the past ten years, ever since we defeated

the Dark Queen, except haunt people.

Anyway, I thought I’d go find Lord Soth and fill him in

on Recent Events and maybe he’d glare at me with his

fiery eyes, and make me go all wonderfully cold and

shivery inside.

I was on my way to Dargaard Keep when I stopped

over in a little town that I can show you on my map,

though I can’t remember the name. They have a very nice

jail there. I know, because I was spending the night in it,

having become involved in an argument with a butcher

over a string of sausages that had followed me out of his


I tried to point out to the butcher that they must be

magical sausages, because I couldn’t think of any other

way they would have ended up trailing after me like that.

I thought he’d be pleased, you know, to realize he had the

power to make magical sausages. And if I did eat two of

them, it was just to find out if they did anything magical

in the stomach. (They did, but I don’t think that counts as

magic. I’ll have to ask Dalamar.) To make a long story

short, he was not pleased to hear he had magical sausages

and I was taken away to jail.

Things have a way of working out, though, as my

grandmother Burrfoot used to say. There were a whole lot

of other kender in the jail. (Quite a remarkable

coincidence, don’t you think?) We had a very agreeable

time together, and I caught up on all the news of


And I found out that someone had been looking for


He was a friend of a friend of a friend and he had an

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Categories: Weis, Margaret