The War of the Lance by Weis, Margaret

Cautiously, the clans of Bulp gathered around the

green thing protruding from the rubble. Glitch scrutinized

it carefully, first from one side, then from the other, then

beckoned. “Clout, come here. Bring bashin’ tool.”

A squat, broad-shouldered gully dwarf stepped

forward uncertainly. On his shoulder he carried a heavy

stick about three feet long.

Glitch pointed at the twitching thing. “Clout, bash


Clout looked doubtful, but he did as he was told.

Raising his stick over his head, he brought it down against

the twitching thing with all his might. This time the roar

that erupted, somewhere beyond the rockfall, was a shriek

of sheer indignation. Stones trembled and grated, dust

spewed from crevices, and the entire wall of fallen rock

began to shift. The twitching green thing disappeared,

withdrawn into the rubble, and massive movements

beyond sent fragments flying from the rocks there. All

around, the debris shifted and settled, closing crevices and

escape tunnels.

As gully dwarves scampered back, falling and

sprawling over one another, the entire wall of rubble

parted, and in the settling dust a huge, scaled face glared

out. Slitted green eyes as bright as emeralds shone with

anger, and a mouth the size of a salt mine opened to reveal

rows of dripping, glistening fangs. The scale crest atop the

head flared forward, and the head was raised to strike.

Then the emerald eyes widened slightly and the mouth

closed to a grimace.

“Gully dwarves,” Verden Leafglow hissed, her voice

laced with pain and contempt. “Nothing but gully



For a time, she simply ignored them. Their pleas for

mercy, the smell of their fear, the cowering huddles of

them here and there in the shadows, were dimly pleasant

to her, an undertone like music, soothing in its way.

A gaggle of gully dwarves. They could do her – a

powerful green dragon – no harm. They could not get

away – all the exits they might reach were sealed by

rockfall – and at the moment, she decided, they were not

worth the effort it would take to crush them. So she

ignored them, concentrating instead on her wounds. The

indignities of a bitten and thumped tail rankled her, but

she could deal with the perpetrators later, when she was

stronger. They were trapped here in the rubble with her.

They had nowhere to go.

The saw-edged disk had ripped into her body,

bringing her down in the rubble. In the darkness of the

fallen castle, almost buried by debris, she had lain

bleeding as the armies of the Dragon Queen passed by –

passing, she thought bitterly, and leaving her behind. For

that, she would not forgive Flame Searclaw. The huge,

arrogant red dragon with his preoccupied human rider, had

known she was there. In her mind, clearly, had been his

dragon-voice, chiding and taunting her.

Her left wing hung useless beside her, her left

foreclaw was terribly maimed and it had been all she

could do – through spells and sheer concentration – to

close the gaping slash at the base of her neck. That wound

alone could have killed her, had her powers been less.

Still, the healing was slow, painful, and incomplete. In

ripping through the armored scales at her breast, the disk

had cut her potion flask – hidden beneath the scales – and

carried away the precious self-stone concealed there. It

was gone, somewhere among the rubble, and without it the

powerful green dragon lacked the magic to reshape her

maimed parts. The ultimate healing power was beyond

her, without her self-stone.

Focusing all of her concentration upon the damaged

parts of her, she drew what strength she had and applied it

to healing. And when the effort tired her, she slept.


When their initial blind panic began to fade, replaced

by simple dread and awe, the subjects of Glitch I –

Highbulp by Persuasion and Lord Protector of This Place,

Etc. – turned to their leader for advice. They had to find

him first, though. At first sight of the apparition that had

appeared in the shifting rubble, Glitch had darted through

the first several ranks of his subjects, crawled over, around

and under several more layers of panicked personnel, and

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Categories: Weis, Margaret