The War of the Lance by Weis, Margaret

Mara heard the faintest of clicks as the minuscule triggers

hooked over the platforms to hold the bent, straining

beams and cablework in place.

She helped the gnome as, very gently, he put the two

units side by side again. “They look dangerous,” she said.

Standback misunderstood. “Oh, yes,” he said happily.

“Someday they’ll have great strategic importance.”

“But not yet.” Mara sighed. “Is there anything useful

down here?”

The gnome considered. “There is,” he said slowly for

a gnome, “a powerful defensive weapon, designed to

break through any surrounding force. I’m not sure that I

should let you see it – ”

“Please.” Mara had little faith left in gnome

technology, but she wanted very badly to leave with


“Very well.” Standback walked her down several

bends in the corridor to a side tunnel. In the middle of it

was a tarpaulin covering something the size of a crouching


“Why isn’t this one in a room?” Mara asked.

Standback shuddered. “In a room, with this? That

would be far too dangerous.” He pointed to the long

horizontal gashes in the tunnel walls, and parallel marks

on the floor, chiseled into the rock. Some of them were

bright and new.

Mara perked up. “Is it really so dangerous as all that?”

“Absolutely,” the gnome replied. “You can parry a

sword. You can beat back a spear.” Standback paused for

effect, not an easy thing for a gnome. “But there is no way

for your adversary to fight off the astonishing Floating


He pulled a cloth off the axe.

In spite of her disappointment, Mara felt like laughing

at the sight of a pendulum-shaped axe, swinging from a

framework of three strange oar-shaped wooden fans. The

fans were attached to a gear arrangement of spools of

thongs and elastics.

“Good design,” she said finally. “If it’s deadly, it hides

its function well.”

“You think so?” Standback peered at it. “It looks like

any other weapon’s design to me.”

“How does it work? No offense, but it looks as though

it is designed to mix bread in some demented kitchen.

What do these little oars do?”

The gnome reached a stubby finger out and spun them

fondly. “They’re called propellers. When they’re in

balance, they propel it.”

Mara stared confusedly at the propellers, which

weren’t attached to any wheels or rollers. “How?”

“In a straight line, if it’s properly adjusted.”

“No, I mean, how can they move it?”

“It flies.”

Now Mara did laugh. “And what makes it fly?” She

saw a pull-cord hanging from one of the spindles. “This?”

“Yes, but only after it’s properly adjusted. If you – ”

“Oh, leave it alone,” Mara said tiredly.

Standback looked crushed.

“I’m sorry.” Mara sighed. “I didn’t mean that. It’s just –

I was going to bring back such wonderful things, and save

my people and make Kalend notice me – ” She choked

back her tears. Queens of Thieves don’t cry.

Standback patted her sympathetically and they walked

together in silence, two people with little in common but

the fact that life was not going well for either of them.

They returned to the skylight where Mara had first

entered. She stood in the smoke and steam-filtered

daylight of the square hole above them and slumped

against the rock wall, looking at the hall of useless


From somewhere far overhead came a muffled

BOOM. The entire tunnel shook, dropping dust and

cobwebs. A huge bell carillon somewhere far above them

clanged frantically, followed by some kind of trumpet,

several clappers, a siren, and numerous whistles.

Invisible creatures shook themselves free of the

ceiling and flapped to and fro in panic. Mara clapped her

hands over her ears. Standback shouted in delight, “It


“What?” Mara could read his lips, though that was

hard because of the gnome’s beard.

“The perimeter alarm. I set it up around the top of the

mountain.” Standback was actually dancing. “It notifies

bystanders – ”

“I’ll say.”

” – locates the point of entry, and even seals off rooms

and levels.” He pointed to the stone trap door sliding

slowly over the skylight to the crater floor.

Then he looked concerned. “They’ll need me up there

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Categories: Weis, Margaret