The War of the Lance by Weis, Margaret

the air and in between the dragon’s fangs and the “Ulp!”

was the hat getting stuck in the dragon’s throat.

“My hat!” wailed Fizban, and he swelled up until I

thought he was going to burst.

The dragon was tossing its head around, choking and

wheezing and coughing and trying to dislodge the hat.

Owen dashed forward, not bothering to take the time to

give the knight’s salute to an enemy, which I thought was

sensible of him, and stuck his sword (or tried to stick it) in

the dragon’s throat.

The sword’s blade shivered and then shattered. The

dragon lashed out at Owen, but it couldn’t do much except

try to thump him on the head since it was still trying to

breathe around the hat. Owen stumbled away and slipped

and fell in the snow. His hand landed on the dragonlance.

It was the only weapon we had except for my hoopak,

and I would have offered him the hoopak at the time only

I forgot I had it. This was all so thrilling.

“Save my hat!” Fizban was shrieking and hopping up

and down. “Save my hat!”


The dragon spit out the hat. It flew across the cave and

hit Fizban in the face and flattened him but good. Owen

leapt to his feet. He was shaking all over, his armor

rattled, but he lifted the dragonlance and threw with all his


The dragonlance struck the dragon’s scaly hide and

broke into about a million pieces.

The dragon was sucking in its breath again. Owen

slumped. He looked all defeated and hurting. He knew he

was going to die, but I could tell that didn’t matter to him.

It was the thought that his wife and little boy and maybe

all those villagers too were going to die that was like a

spear in his heart.

And then it seemed to me that I heard a voice. It was

Flint’s voice, and it sounded so close that I looked all

around, more than half-expecting to see him come

dashing at me, all red in the face and bellowing.

“You doorknob of a kender 1 Didn’t you hear

anything I said? Tell him what I told Theros!”

I tried to remember it and then I did remember it and

I began to babble, “When you throw the lance, it will be

the strength of your faith and the power of your arm and

the vision of your eye that will guide the lances into the

evil dragon’s dark heart. That’s what Flint said, sort of,

Owen, except I changed it a little. Maybe I was wrong!” I

shouted. “Try the other lance!”

I don’t know whether he heard me or not. The dragon

was making a lot of noise and snow was falling and

swirling around us. Either Owen did hear me and took my

advice (and Flint’s) or else he could see as plain as the hat

on Fizban’s face that the lance was our last and only hope.

He picked it up and this time he didn’t throw it. This time

he ran with it, straight at the dragon, and with all his

strength and might and muscle he drove the lance right

into the dragon’s throat.

Blood spurted out, staining the white snow red. The

dragon gave a horrible yell and flung its head from side to

side, screaming in pain and fury. Owen hung onto the

lance, stabbing it deeper and deeper into the dragon. The

lance didn’t break, but held straight and true.

Blood was all over the place and all over Owen and

the dragon’s shrieks were deafening. Then it made a

terrible kind of gurgling sound. The head sank down onto

the bloody snow, shuddered, and lay still.

None of us moved – Fizban because he was unconscious

and Owen because he’d been battered about quite a bit by

the dragon’s thrashing, and me because I just didn’t feel

quite like moving at the time. The dragon didn’t move,

either, and it was then I realized it was dead.

Owen crouched on his hands and knees, breathing

heavily and wiping blood out of his face and eyes. Fizban

was stirring and groaning and mumbling something about

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Categories: Weis, Margaret